Purple garlic color change [duplicate]

Purple garlic color change [duplicate] - Composition of garlic bulbs with purple net on white background

I bought a bag of peeled garlic cloves as a convenience(I know, shame on me) I stored the unused cloves in the fridge and the began to show purple areas on the cloves. I don't think this is anything harmful but my partner didn't like it and insisted I throw away what was left. Is this just another natural color change for garlic such as the blue/green or green colorations that can occur. Anyone have a definitive answer? I'm not trying to one-up her, just trying to be safe.

Best Answer

The purple is just the anthocyanins in the garlic reacting to conditions. It's perfectly safe. Some types of garlic actually turn purple before they are picked if they are fertilized close to maturity; I do this now by choice, because I've decided I like the purple. The purple will occur more frequently and to a greater degree if the garlic is cooked with or peeled cloves are stored in contact with something acidic.

Pictures about "Purple garlic color change [duplicate]"

Purple garlic color change [duplicate] - From above of bunch of ripe tomatoes put in plastic bag near raw heads of garlic put on violet transparent net on white surface
Purple garlic color change [duplicate] - Purple Leaf
Purple garlic color change [duplicate] - Purple Abstract Art

Can I use garlic that turned purple?

Is purple garlic bad? No, purple garlic is actually coveted and a good sign that you are going to have some great-tasting garlic cloves. This purple color is on the outer skin and not the actual cloves of the garlic. The cloves are going to be the same but the flavor might surprise you.

What does it mean when garlic turns purple?

The purple is just the anthocyanins in the garlic reacting to conditions. It's perfectly safe. Some types of garlic actually turn purple before they are picked if they are fertilized close to maturity; I do this now by choice, because I've decided I like the purple.

How can you tell if purple garlic is bad?

Signs of Bad Garlic
  • Look. Spoiled garlic forms brown spots on the cloves and turns from the usual white to a more yellow or brown color. ...
  • Smell. Garlic has its own universally known scent\u2013 spicy, pungent and mellow. ...
  • Feel. Good garlic should feel firm to the touch.

  • Is purple garlic better than white?

    Most white garlic fall under the softneck variety, which is easier to raise, have longer shelf-life and more cloves. 3. Purple garlic, or purple-stripe garlic, have a generally milder taste and scent, have larger cloves and retain their flavor longer.

    Colour Mixing: The Mystery of Magenta

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, Pixabay, Anni Roenkae