Onion and Garlic, a no-no?

Onion and Garlic, a no-no? - Assorted Spices on Brown Wooden Table Beside Red and White Textile

I had an Italian flatmate once who was on the brink of lynching me when he saw I used garlic and onion in one dish. He said that - at least in Italian cuisine - thats an absolute no-no. You can use both, but never together.

Especially with something like Spinach, I think that combination is quite nice though. Is this an Italian kitchen "rule", a general thing, or was he just misinformed?

Best Answer

Clearly, your flatmate was misinformed. Firstly, Italian cuisine is defined regionally. There are vast differences throughout the country, usually defined by local ingredients and historical influences. However, there are many Italian dishes...from north to south that contain both onion and garlic. It could be true that someone's specific recipe for, spinach, for example may only have onion...or only have garlic, but if you like the combination, there is no reason not to use it. There is no such general "rule" in Italian cuisine.

Pictures about "Onion and Garlic, a no-no?"

Onion and Garlic, a no-no? - Cast Iron Skillet on Table With Species
Onion and Garlic, a no-no? - Red Tomatoes and Garlics in Cooking Pot
Onion and Garlic, a no-no? - Variety of Spices and Vegetables on Black Surface

Why onion and garlic is prohibited?

Onion and garlic are considered to be taamsic in nature and are said to invoke carnal energy in the body. Onions also produce heat in the body and thus are not allowed during the Navratri fast. Garlic along with onion is known as Rajogini, which means a substance that can make one lose grip over their instincts.

Do onions and garlic cancel each other out?

Garlic contains less moisture and is usually cut into much smaller pieces than onion. These two differences can cause garlic to brown and burn more quickly when the two are cooked together. To saute onion and garlic at the same time, either finely mince them both or add the garlic later.

What religion bans onion and garlic?

The Jain cuisine is completely lacto-vegetarian and also excludes root and underground vegetables such as potato, garlic, onion etc., to prevent injuring small insects and microorganisms; and also to prevent the entire plant getting uprooted and killed.

What is no onion no garlic diet?

Sharing a wide collection of no onion and no garlic recipes as significant fraction of India's 31% vegetarian population follows sattvic food creed. According to Ayurveda, the Allium family (garlic, onion, leeks, shallots), as well as fungus (yeasts, molds, and mushrooms) are not considered sattvic.

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More answers regarding onion and Garlic, a no-no?

Answer 2

I agree with moscafj's general answer: there is no pan-Italian "rule" like this in Italian cuisine. It's common to mix the two in many Italian regions, and it's certainly common in other world cuisines.

On the other hand, I wouldn't dismiss this story out-of-hand or as some quirk of one crazy roommate.

I grew up near an old Italian neighbor, daughter of Italian immigrants. Her mother-in-law also lived with her, a direct Italian immigrant born around 1900 (immigrated sometime before mid-century). It was an absolute rule in their house that onion and garlic should never be combined in the same dish. And yes, they associated this with "the Old Country."

Alas, I don't know what region they were from, and they both died long ago. And I wouldn't pass on this anecdote here except I did a few quick internet searches and discovered that a few people have asked similar things on various internet forums concerning Italian cuisine. And both Mark Bittman and Gino D'Acampo have apparently passed on tales that Italian cooks have told them the same thing. (I didn't track down links to the original sources, but I have no reason to doubt these forum posts are simply making this stuff up.)

I've eaten food in Italy that clearly contained both. I know Italians who like cooking, and I've never heard them talk about this. On the other hand, I've heard this particular "rule" a couple times, and it seems only associated with Italian cuisine. I'm not really interested in trying to track down more information on it, but it sounds to me like it's at least part of cooking "lore" for some Italians, perhaps from a particular region or something.

EDIT: Just for one Italian source which seems to reference the issue, see here. After a discussion of separate uses for onion and garlic, the question of whether to use them together comes up:

Il dubbio, a questo punto, viene: รจ possibile utilizzare aglio e cipolla insieme? La questione divide da sempre gli appassionati di cucina.

Basically, this passage strongly implies that there are passionate cooks out there who argue about whether it's even possible to combine the two. (The link goes on to argue that it is possible, but nevertheless it references this question as if it were a common dispute.) The opening paragraph also implies there are traditional fixed rules that dictate the specific occasions when they could be properly combined.

Answer 3

My grandmother always told us to never mix garlic and onion. She was Calabrese. I use both in some recipes. Granny was not the best cook.

Answer 4

Mum was from San Sebastiano al Vesuvio, just outside Naples. She never mixed onions and garlic in her cooking. Pasta e fagioli for example she just used garlic. For Minestrone just onions. I don't remember mum putting garlic in her sauces either, she always used onions. The flavour is so unique when you use only garlic for the pasta e fagioli. Pizzas had garlic, oil and oregano on but nowadays basil seems more popular. Garlic mum used with oil and lemon juice on boiled and cooled cauliflower, carrots or green beans as a side to meat. She used garlic in braciole. I have always followed her suit, but my son likes to combine onion and garlic. I think I did hear Gino d'Acampo say once that keeping onion and garlic separate was a Southern Italy thing, but nowadays many cooks use both together. I suppose best to try both ways and see what you like best! At the end of the day it doesn't really matter.

Answer 5

You may hear this rule from French people, and the reason is quite simple: garlic is predominantly used in the South and onion in the North (a bit like olive oil and butter). Since traditional recipes usually have a defined geographical origin, it is quite rare to find some combining both ingredients.

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Images: Engin Akyurt, Engin Akyurt, Engin Akyurt, Mike