My applesauce has fermented, is it safe to bake with?

My applesauce has fermented, is it safe to bake with? - Side view of African American female buyer wearing medical mask and latex gloves choosing bread from shelf in supermarket

I don't have access to refrigeration, so I use applesauce as an egg substitute. I have a plastic can (it's got a metal & rubber lid like a Mason jar but the container is plastic) of store bought store-generic applesauce that's been sitting on a cool windowsill for... a couple months, I guess? I've used it for baking up to a couple weeks ago with no issues.

Thing is, it's been bubbling, and there was a HUGE release of gas when I opened the can this time. It smells exactly like beer. There's absolutely no trace of "rotten" smell, nor is there mold anywhere on the can - it just smells like Bud Light.

I'm extremely poor and I generally try to avoid throwing away food unless it's actually smells rotten or is molding. Considering I'll be baking a few tablespoons of it as an egg substitute... is it still even remotely safe?

Best Answer

It sounds like it's fermented, and more harmful bacteria or mold could definitely have grown without being visible.

So it's not safe, in that there's definitely some risk. It's hard to evaluate exactly how risky it is. It sounds like you're already routinely taking risks by eating iffy food that's not obviously rotten or moldy, so you certainly could choose to take that risk here. I'd really advise against it, though.

Remember, food poisoning isn't just about stomachaches. If you end up in the hospital, it's going to cost you a lot more than a replacement jar of applesauce.

As a side note, applesauce generally requires refrigeration. The jar you have almost certainly says "refrigerate after opening." So it may not be a good choice for an egg substitute. You might want to look into actually shelf-stable substitutes. If applesauce is working for you, flax (or chia) or mashed banana might be good options. Flax and chia are totally shelf-stable, and while bananas don't last forever you can at least buy them as you need them.

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My applesauce has fermented, is it safe to bake with? - Persons Raising Hands

Is it OK to eat fermented applesauce?

Fermented applesauce may seem a little strange but it is so simple to make and tastes amazing. In fact culturing applesauce not only makes it more flavoursome but also more nutritious being rich in beneficial bacteria.

What happens if you eat spoiled applesauce?

Yes, you can eat expired Applesauce. if there is no mold and it still smells fine then it is safe to eat. Mold will be visible in Bad Applesauce before the bacteria will be enough to make you sick. If you see mold or if it smells vinegary or wrong, throw out the applesauce.

How do you know if homemade applesauce is bad?

How can you tell if applesauce is bad? If applesauce develops an off odor, flavor or appearance, or if mold appears, it should be discarded. Discard all applesauce from bottles or packages that are leaking, rusting, bulging or severely dented.

Is applesauce supposed to be sour?

Depending on the types of apples you use, the sauce will be somewhere between sweet-tart and way too sour. Apples are bred to be so sweet in our times that many applesauce batches taste perfect with no other added ingredients.


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Images: Laura James, cottonbro, Pixabay, Luis Dalvan