How to know when pickles are pickled correctly

How to know when pickles are pickled correctly - Two Clear Glass Jars Of Preserved Pickles On A Cutting Board

I've made a small batch of pickled Japanese Turnip (the small white ones) based on this recipe.

  • 1 cup vinegar, such as white, apple cider, or rice
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon kosher salt or 2 teaspoons pickling salt
  • 1 tablespoon granulated sugar (optional)

I did not add other aromatic ingredients but I added a teaspoon or so of pepper flakes.

I boiled the mixture and pour it over the sliced turnips; covered and put in the fridge for a couple of days; in that case I did not intend to keep them longer, so no bottling or canning.

They were good, but overwhelmingly vinegary (at least compared to commercial pickles)


How can I know if the pickles were pickled correctly; I only tasted the vinegar, a little bit of the pepper flakes, but not much of the turnip.

Best Answer

"How can I know if the pickles were pickled correctly": Based on whether they taste good to you. With refrigerator pickles like this, you don't need to worry about them fermenting incorrectly or growing the wrong kind of microorganisms. If you think they're too vinegary, reduce the vinegar content.

FWIW, a 1:1 ratio of water to vinegar is much stronger than I like... I prefer something closer to 3:1 or 4:1. Keep in mind what you'll be using them for, and in particular how diluted they'll be: If you'll be popping one in your mouth, you'll probably want a less vinegary brine than if you intend to distribute slivers of them around a sandwich.

Pictures about "How to know when pickles are pickled correctly"

How to know when pickles are pickled correctly - Pickled Cucumbers on Glass Jars
How to know when pickles are pickled correctly - Woman in Teal Tank Top Holding Burger
How to know when pickles are pickled correctly - Photo Of Red Pepper Beside Pickles

Quick Answer about "How to know when pickles are pickled correctly"

If properly processed, the lids will be indented inward, indicating that the jar is sealed. If you press the center of the lid and it "pops" up and down, the jar is not sealed and you should store the pickles in the refrigerator and eat them within a few weeks.

How do I know when my pickles are ready?

To allow pickles to mellow and develop a delicious flavor, wait at least 3 weeks before eating! Keep in mind that pickles may be ready to enjoy earlier. It's all up to you and your tastes! Just don't let them go too long or the veggies' texture can deteriorate and turn rubbery.

How long does it take for pickles to be pickled?

Cucumbers can be fermented in a crock to produce genuine dill pickles. Fermenting genuine dill pickles takes 3 to 4 weeks at 70\xb0F. The fermentation process allows bacteria to produce lactic acid, which preserves the cucumbers and produces the characteristic color and texture of genuine dills.

Should pickles float to the top of the jar?

You'd have to heat the cucumber slices thoroughly before packing to prevent it, but in the case of pickles, sometimes floating is preferable to the loss of crispness. Other possibilities are packing the slices too loosely and/or air left in the jar.

How do you know if homemade pickles are safe?

Check the pickles for signs of off-odors and mushiness of the pickles. If these signs are absent, the pickles are safe to eat. Sometimes the fillers (anti-caking agents) in regular table salt may cause slight cloudiness, so always use pickling salt. Hard water might also cause cloudiness.

How To Make Pickles Without A Recipe

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Леся Терехова, Леся Терехова, RODNAE Productions, Polina Tankilevitch