Garlic powder clumps up

Garlic powder clumps up - Spices on Plate With Knife

When I put garlic powder in a shaker, it ends up clumping.

I tried putting in some rice, but it still clumps.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

It sounds like you've got at least two problems:

  • First, without a lid, it absorbs moisture from the air.
  • Second, shaking it over hot food delivers steam directly to the powder
  • Possibly third, the holes in the shaker may be small enough to block as soon as the smallest clumps form.

Rice will act as a desiccant and absorb water, but its capacity to do so is actually quite limited. I have a few pre-mixed spice grinders (garlic, chilli flakes, salt etc.) and they specifically say they're not meant for grinding directly over hot food.

So what can you do about it? Using a small shaker (so it doesn't hang around too long) with a lid for storage will help but, maybe not enough . If you really want the garlic powder sprinkled rather than spooned, then you could keep it in an airtight container and spoon some into a tea strainer when needed.

Pictures about "Garlic powder clumps up"

Garlic powder clumps up - Traditional Table Setting On Persian New Year
Garlic powder clumps up - Food On The Table During Persian New Year
Garlic powder clumps up - Traditional Food on Table

Why does garlic powder clump up?

The spice powder clumps together because it has been exposed to moisture. Carbohydrates or proteins in the spice dissolve a small amount, becoming sticky, causing the granules to stick together.

How do you fix clumpy garlic powder?

Put it in the microwave next to a cup of water. Run the microwave on defrost or thaw. Check the garlic powder after about 40 seconds. The garlic powder will loosen.

How can you tell if garlic powder has gone bad?

How can you tell if garlic powder is still good? To test whether garlic powder is still potent enough to be effective: Rub or crush a small amount in your hand, then taste and smell it - if the aroma is weak and the flavor is not obvious, the garlic powder should be replaced.

how to powderized hardened, clumped garlic powder

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Images: Pixabay, RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions