Garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb?

Garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb? - Orangutan eating fruit near funny baby primate hanging on liana

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The spots are bruises that bacteria have infected right? There is a slight discolouration into the "meat" of the garlic. Ok to eat the rest? With a bit of discolouration? Without?

If there were mold visible, should i have thrown the whole ting then? And if it were a cloved garlic, should i judge the cloves individually or the bulb as a whole?

Edit: Similar question to Raised brown spots on garlic but they dont ask there if u can/should eat the rest of the bulb or clove.

Best Answer

Yes you can eat it. It is the same as a potato. You get brown spots on your potato you just cut the brown out. This is the same for garlic. If it is molded I would through it all out. I have eaten garlic and potatoes that have had brown spots for years. I'm still alive and kicking. I hope this helps.

Pictures about "Garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb?"

Garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb? - Adult primate with brown fur resting on fallen tree trunk while eating fruit slices near funny baby orangutan hanging on liana above colorful green thickets in daylight and looking away
Garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb? - Tranquil mongrel dog lying on ground with piece of bread
Garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb? - Raw almonds and heads of garlic on white background

Is discolored garlic safe to eat?

Throw that stuff out. Signs of rot or patches of discoloration mean your garlic has gone bad.

How do you know if garlic has gone bad?

Spoiled garlic forms brown spots on the cloves and turns from the usual white to a more yellow or brown color. Another thing is the green roots forming in the center of the clove. These are new sprouts forming. Though not harmful these roots taste extremely bitter and should be removed before cooking.

Can you get sick from eating old garlic?

Eating garlic that has gone bad might not agree with your stomach, but there's a bigger risk with this unassuming bulb that you need to be aware of. You may be surprised to learn that consuming garlic that has been stored in oil can cause botulism, a kind of food poisoning.

Can I eat garlic with waxy breakdown?

Waxy breakdown Affected cloves are not good to eat.

How to eat garlic (CORRECT way)?

More answers regarding garlic brown spots, safe to eat the rest of the bulb?

Answer 2

Personal answer, please do not take as in any way authoritative or backing safety: I cut them off and use as long as not moldy. I personally have allergies that I won't risk mold spores, but know others who even some mold does not stop them. I find that a small amount cut off of otherwise sound cloves often results in a stronger flavor, but I personally like a strong garlic flavor. Fortunately, so does rest of the house, to garlic breath is fair game. If the garlic has also started to sprout, then I get a bitter flavor, so I may be a bit more prone to discard.

Garlic is often listed as a possible source of botulism, but these cautions are normally in regards to preserved garlic, especially in oil which provided the air free environment botulism needs. Fresh garlic, it would seem would not be such a concern, but I do not have authoritative sources to back that opinion.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Brett Jordan, Brett Jordan, FOX, Karolina Grabowska