Does vegetable soup made with chicken stock last longer if the stock was made fresh vs from a stock cube?

Does vegetable soup made with chicken stock last longer if the stock was made fresh vs from a stock cube? - Sliced Fruit Stall

My son made some vegetable soup at school this morning and it's been sitting unrefrigerated in a sealed container all day (~10 hours).

The soup used chicken stock as a base. In trying to determine whether it's safe to eat at this point, would the origin of the stock (freshly made from chicken bones, versus from an instant stock cube or stock granules) make any difference?

Best Answer

It's probably OK but there are a lot of variables here so from where I sit, it's difficult to be certain. Cooking will kill most bacteria. If the soup went from the pot, hot, to the container and capped immediately, the risk of airborne bacteria getting in is reduced. It takes more than a couple bacteria to get you sick but when conditions are right, bacteria multiply exponentially in a short period of time. If the container was at 72F, that's better than if it was at if it was outside in the sun.

You can give it a sniff to check if it smells OK. Reheating to a boil will kill most bacteria, but depending on the specific bacteria, not all. What's more, certain bacteria leave behind toxins that are not easily destroyed. If you have a pressure cooker, that's the best way to kill whatever bacteria might be in there. You would need to keep it in the cooker for a period of time...30 minutes perhaps. Seems like a lot of trouble to go to.

Dry bouillon cubes should not have any bacteria...assuming a clean manufacturing plant. Same goes if you used dehydrated chicken. It's more likely bacteria got in if fresh uncooked chicken was used. Unwashed hands, contaminated utensils, used hand towels, unclean work area...all that stuff comes into play. You probably already know about cross contamination.

But here's the thing? Why risk it? Salmonella will not likely kill you but your stomach will be churning and you'll be spending some time in the bathroom. There are other bad actors out there and they are worse than Mr. Sal Minella... Staphlococcus, E. Coli, Botulinum.

My answer is, to be safe, toss it.

Pictures about "Does vegetable soup made with chicken stock last longer if the stock was made fresh vs from a stock cube?"

Does vegetable soup made with chicken stock last longer if the stock was made fresh vs from a stock cube? - Yellow and Green Squash on Brown Wooden Crate
Does vegetable soup made with chicken stock last longer if the stock was made fresh vs from a stock cube? - Green Bell Peppers
Does vegetable soup made with chicken stock last longer if the stock was made fresh vs from a stock cube? - Assorted Vegetable Lot

How long does homemade vegetable broth last?

How long does homemade vegetable broth last in the fridge and freezer? This broth will last in the fridge for up to one week in a well-sealed jar or in the freezer for around one month. Make sure if you're putting it in the freezer that you leave a little bit of space at the top as the liquid will expand as it freezes.

Can I preserve vegetable stock?

In general, you can keep homemade vegetable or chicken stock in the refrigerator for 4-5 days and in the freezer for up to 3 months, provided it is in the proper container.

How long can homemade stock last in the fridge?

In the refrigerator, your homemade broth will last 3-4 days. To extend your broth's freshness, store the broth in the freezer for up to 6 months.

How do you preserve soup stock?

Homemade stock can be stored in the refrigerator 4-5 days, frozen 6-9 months, or pressure-canned for 1 year, for best results. Once cooled, freeze stock in various increments\u2014ice cube trays work great when needing a few tablespoons; 1/2 cup, 1 cup, 2 cups are common in recipes; 6-8 cups work best for soups.

The Ultimate Guide To Making Amazing Chicken Stock

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Daria Shevtsova, Anna Tarazevich, Mark Stebnicki, Matheus Cenali