Category "leavening"

Best time to benefit from dough mixed with baking soda

I am preparing a dough with all purpose flour, salt, sugar, oil, curd, lemon juice and baking soda. I am not using baking powder. Within how much time should I

When marbling cake, can density of chocolate cake impact the rising of the vanilla cake?

I have specific bakers who I really love their recipes for different kinds of cake - for example Stella Parks. Because she doesn't have a recipe for a marble ca

Making bread using potassium bicarbonate [closed]

I am thinking about making bread using potassium bicarbonate instead of yeast. Can I use potassium bicarbonate as a substitute for yeast? Woul

Getting well domed muffins [duplicate]

Seems to be conflicting info on achieving well domed muffin tops. None seem to offer science based references. These two are good examples of

What is the point of a "Friendship Bread" starter?

Recently I started a "Starter" for Friendship Bread with some active (non wild) yeast. I thought it would be a good way to keep an active culture of yeast aroun