Category "grill"

Is it safe to cook in a grill\oven that is rarely cleaned?

I don't grill or oven often and there always seems to be dirt and crumbs left over from long ago. it's a mammoth task to clean so i dont clean it. i just thin

what are the small black things that fall from top ceiling of my grill?

I have quite an old cooker, and when I put foil paper in I notice little black things fall onto the foil from the top of the grill (I think broiling in US) comp

Charcoal grill not getting hot enough

I purchased a cheap kettle charcoal grill a few weeks ago, and I feel like it's not getting hot enough. I'm using a charcoal chimney which takes about 40 minute

How can I keep my burgers flat?

I have tried to keep my burgers flat for a while but they always end up turning into a ball and I have to flatten them out as they cook, even tried the little h

Cleaning 'cement' from grill

I've been a bit lazy in the last couple of weeks and left some ash in my grill. I was cleaning it today and noticed a hard cement-like substance. I believe this

Is a top heat gas grill, capable of 800°C / 1500°F perfect for pizza and sous vide steak?

I am talking about something like this: The biggest problem with home made pizza seems to be the lack of temperature, which dries out the dough. Professional

Do smokeless grills have an advantage over gas grills?

On my quest to balcony charcoal grilling, without bothering my neighbours, I have researched many solutions. I am now, pretty sure, that I can limit the smoke

Black paint chipping of electric grill: is it still safe?

My electric grill, without the heating element looks like this: There is black paint chipping away and also, what appears to be rust. I was planing to conve

What pros and cons two-sided grill has if compare to pan?

There two-sided (both sided heating up) electric grills with non-stick surface. I understand cooking gonna be a little more expensive because electricity instea

Does an electric grill make it faster than a pan?

My teflon pan heats up for several seconds (to roasting temperature). When I tried 1500W teflon electric grill (in a shop) it took much longer. But electric gri

Marinade and Smoke Chips

I am planning on doing a pork crown for Christmas and have zeroed in on this recipe, which calls for a marinade: I

Freezing boiled octopus

I've bought a frozen fresh octopus. As most recipes suggest I'm planning to boil it, and then char it on the grill. The problem is that it's pretty huge and we

Is it safe to use a grill to cook when chemically treated wood was burned in it?

my son burned chemically treated wood in my grill for a bonfire. Can I still cook in it, is it safe? or do I need to buy another grill?

Can you replicate grill or roasting on a stove?

I love fish and courgettes, tomato etc. don't in an oven. I'm gonna be on holiday in a third world country where people do not have ovens in their home and jus

How can one cook corn on an open grill? [duplicate]

I’ll be camping with limited access to water. I have a grill in the outside kitchen, however this grill doesn’t have a cover. Is i

Foil wrap cooking fully assembled burger in George Foreman grill?

If I seal a burger, complete with bun, in tin foil, and cook it in a George Foreman grill... Will the burger cook through without the bread burning? Will the br

Will adding water to a grill pan to use the remains of previously cooked food (deglazing), damage it?

Situation: I have been using this technique for some time, and I personally think it's great. But I have been told it ruins the grill pan due to the difference