Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress?

Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress? - Top view of slogan Stop Killing Us on surface of square blackboard on black background

The most common way of killing a lobster is to put it into boiling water, however we can read on Wikipedia page that it is one of the methods which cause pain and distress.

The killing methods most likely to cause pain and distress are:

  • Placing crustaceans directly into boiling water

  • Placing crustaceans in slowly heated water to the boiling point

  • Placing marine crustaceans in fresh water

  • ...

Secondly, we can read here about the following study:

Dan Ward, then a grad student at the University of New Hampshire, once hooked an electrode up to a Lobster heart for me and boiled it. The heart beat for 1 minute 53 seconds.

So the question is, what is the most humane way to kill a lobster?

Best Answer

Put the lobster in the freezer for about 30 minutes, it will basically be in a sleeping/coma state when you take it out. Then cut into its head lengthwise to destroy its brain before it wakes up.

Some people say that killing the lobster in a less stressful way gives the meat a better texture/flavor. But personally I have not been able to tell any difference.

EDIT: Another solution, though not a clean or popular method for lobster; If you destroy its brain faster than the speed pain travels through nerves, it would be dead before the pain reaches the brain. Could be accomplished by shooting it in the brain with a gun... a common method used to humanely kill many things.

Pictures about "Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress?"

Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress? - Woman Looking at Sea While Sitting on Beach
Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress? - Man in Blue and Brown Plaid Dress Shirt Touching His Hair
Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress? - Man in Black Shirt and Gray Denim Pants Sitting on Gray Padded Bench

Quick Answer about "Which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress?"

The only method of stunning/killing crabs and lobsters that can produce an immediate loss of consciousness (within 1 second) is electrical stunning, enabling them to be killed without pain.

What is the most humane way to cook lobster?

Contrary to claims made by seafood sellers, lobsters do feel pain, and they suffer immensely when they are cut, broiled, or boiled alive. Most scientists agree that a lobster's nervous system is quite sophisticated.

Do lobsters suffer when boiled?

Plunging them into boiling water, freezing them or 'drowning' them in fresh water are not humane. Equally stabbing the lobster or crab between the eyes so it directly destroys the brain isn't always a quick and humane way to slaughter a lobster.

Is freezing a lobster humane?

Place the tip of a sharp chef's knife behind the lobster's eyes, right below where the claws meet the body and halfway to the first joint. Swiftly plunge the knife down through the head. The legs will continue to move a bit afterward but the lobster is in fact dead.

The right way to kill a fish

More answers regarding which method of killing the lobster would cause the least pain and distress?

Answer 2

I've not tried it personally, but I've heard good things about using clove oil to anesthetize the lobster (incidentally, the same link that the second quote in the question is pulled from).

The above link details a series of experiments done by Dave Arnold and Nils Noren on 7 different methods of killing lobsters, including the freezing mentioned by Netduke's answer. The article concludes that (when it comes to flavor at least)

Anesthesia [is] (still the best)

I can't speak to the objective difference in humaneness of killing method between this and something like freezing, but I suspect that isn't a question that's answerable.

Answer 3

Less of a practical suggestion but suffocation with a noble gas would not hurt a human and is being considered as a way to kill livestock. For a lobster this should work the same.

https://vimeo.com/83750163 video shows around the 30mins the effects on a human and 40mins for use in farms.

Answer 4

I do not know objectively if this 'causes the least pain and distress', but just putting the point of the knife through the back skull and cutting down the front is fast.

Demonstrated in e.g. this YouTube video

Answer 5

Martha Stewart once demonstrated a method of placing vodka in the water, and then putting the lobsters in. I guess they got drunk and then were pleasantly anesthetized when they died!

Answer 6

I know Mom loves lobster and she swears by Steaming lobster. It was also the preferred method when I worked at a very popular Restaurant Chain.

Mom would start with warm water in the bottom of a pot. Then she put the lobster in on a rack to hold it clear of the water. Then she increased the heat, Pot uncovered, and timed it for something like 10 minutes after water came to a boil (putting the lid on the pot). She claimed the slower rise in heat knocked it out. All I know is the the lobster usually stopped moving when the first bubble formed and it never thrashed violently.

I can't be sure when exactly it died and whether it felt pain, but it seemed way better than just dropping it in boiling water.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Brett Sayles, Pixabay, Nathan Cowley, Inzmam Khan