Sourdough starter - will it set off my allergies?

Sourdough starter - will it set off my allergies? - White Plastic Container With Black Beans

I'm very allergic to mold, among other things (all airborne, no food allergies). I also adore sourdough bread. If I were to make my own sourdough starter so I could bake sourdough regularly, would it a) be similar enough to mold to set off my allergies, or b) be likelier to attract mold than anything else in my kitchen?

Best Answer

Sourdough starter will grow mold if it starts going "off". If it's healthy, it will naturally prevent mold from growing, but if you forget to feed it for too long and/or the container it is in is dirty, it can start growing fuzzy stuff.

Feed your culture regularly, and transfer it into a clean container now and then, and it will be fine.

Pictures about "Sourdough starter - will it set off my allergies?"

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Quick Answer about "Sourdough starter - will it set off my allergies?"

No. Sourdough culture is not a mold. Even when the surface of your sourdough gets moldy (per Adam, above) to get moldy, it's not the kind of mold which releases spores into the air. I speak as a severe allergy sufferer.

Can sourdough starter cause allergies?

Share on Pinterest Sourdough breads and cakes may contain yeast, and trigger an allergic reaction. Read labels carefully to reduce the risk of accidentally consuming yeast.

Can you get sick from sourdough starter?

Sourdough Starter has an Acidic Environment Resistant to Bad Bugs. Sourdough starter has a very acidic environment, mainly due to lactic acid produced as a byproduct from the starter. This acidic environment makes it extremely difficult for harmful bacteria to develop, hence making sourdough bread pretty safe.

Can you eat sourdough bread if you are allergic to yeast?

Can I eat sourdough if I have a yeast allergy/intolerance ? Genuine sourdough is made using one or more yeasts but your personal experience may be that you can eat some loaves marketed as sourdough but not others.

Does sourdough bread have side effects?

The most common reaction to fermented foods is a temporary increase in gas and bloating. This is the result of excess gas being produced after probiotics kill harmful gut bacteria and fungi.

How Much Neglect Can a Sourdough Starter Take? Is My Starter Dead?

More answers regarding sourdough starter - will it set off my allergies?

Answer 2

No. Sourdough culture is not a mold.

Even when the surface of your sourdough gets moldy (per Adam, above) to get moldy, it's not the kind of mold which releases spores into the air.

I speak as a severe allergy sufferer.

Answer 3

My starter and I are cohabitating just fine, though he's staked out territory in the fridge rather than sitting on my counter. He's my new favorite hypoallergenic pet: the benefits far outweigh those of fish. Seems I was worried for nothing!

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Jill Wellington, Dayvison de Oliveira Silva, Alex Toi, Yaroslav Shuraev