Poured fondant that stays liquid

Poured fondant that stays liquid - Anonymous person pouring liquid product on table with pipette

I need help regarding poured fondant - to be precise, I would like to have it more on the liquid side.

I plan to use it as a chocolate bar filling, that is why I am asking :)

The recipe I use in general: 6 cups confectioners' sugar, 1/4 cup water, 1 tablespoon light corn syrup.

I melt them over low heat until completely blended, and then usually let it cool down and glaze cakes.

Can this recipe be modified so it stays somewhat liquid? Maybe like a creme egg filling?

Best Answer

I recommend you add some form of fat into your recipe. Fat is what gives foods a smooth creamy texture. Some ideas to use are butter and coconut oil.

Pictures about "Poured fondant that stays liquid"

Poured fondant that stays liquid - Person Pouring Liquid Into Brown Ceramic Cup
Poured fondant that stays liquid - From above of geyser coffee maker pouring freshly brewed beverage into ceramic cup placed on white table
Poured fondant that stays liquid - Unrecognizable crop African American female pouring essential oil in glass bottle while making liquid incense at table

Can you make fondant liquid?

To do this, take some white rolled fondant, put it into a microwave-safe bowl and heat it for a few seconds to soften it. You have to heat it until it is almost liquid but not quite melted. Next, add a tablespoon of hot water and stir until you have a liquid cream.

Does poured fondant Harden?

Fondant can be cooled and refrigerated for 24 hours before using. It will completely harden, but can be re-heated in the microwave (or stove top \u2013 just don't boil it) until thin and pourable.

What is the difference between poured fondant and rolled fondant?

Poured fondant is a sweet paste usually used as an icing or filling for cakes and other pastries. Poured fondant is made mainly of sugar, water and corn syrup. Rolled fondant, on the other hand, is more like sweet dough. Like poured fondant, it is made with sugar, water and corn syrup.

What is liquid fondant made of?

Fondant is made of sugar, water, and corn syrup. More structured fondant for sculpting usually contains gelatin as well. Some bakers also choose to use marshmallow fondant on their cakes, which is made from melted marshmallows, powdered sugar, and water.

How to Make Pourable Fondant : Take The Cake

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Jill Burrow, Maria Tyutina, Elle Hughes, Anna Shvets