Sugar coated pecans without turning amber

Sugar coated pecans without turning amber - A Tape Measure on a Table Surrounded with Assorted Chewy Candies and Cookies

I had an old Aunt who used to make the best sugar coated pecans.

I have tried to replicate the recipe but where hers were a snowy white colour mine turn out caramel looking.

How do I do this and have them stay white?

Best Answer

As you have not described the recipe it isn't possible to pinpoint what you may be doing to cause the caramelization.

However, by first whipping up some egg whites, then mixing through the nuts, and finally drenching with sugar before roasting/baking in a cool-slow oven (about 250F/120C), they should remain white.

This is because sugar caramelizes at about 338F/170C. So as long as the oven is not too hot then it should not caramelize before the nuts are roasted.

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How to Make Sugar Coated Pecans |

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