How does the size of the ginger affect the candy process?

How does the size of the ginger affect the candy process? - Top View Of Gingerbread Cookies Laid Flat On A Wooden Table

I'm interested in candying ginger, like in this video. I want tiny candied ginger pieces to use in ginger biscuits. I'm just curious as to how if you grate ginger instead of just cutting pieces how that would or should affect the way you candy them?

I'm also feeling like leaving the skin on. I just don't feel like going through the effort of peeling the ginger. I don't know how good or bad an idea that is.

Best Answer

In my experience, it's easy to accidentally burn very small pieces. Candying grated ginger is probably possible, but would require excellent temperature control to prevent burned ginger. I like to candy mandolined slices (on one of the thicker settings) for minimal effort. As for peeling, there are a number of "hacks" for how to do it easily. I personally like using a teaspoon to scrape the peel off. (And I spend some time in the store picking a nice, smooth piece that will be easy to peel.) The peel is kind of unpleasantly papery and tough, even when cooked as thoroughly as candying requires.

Pictures about "How does the size of the ginger affect the candy process?"

How does the size of the ginger affect the candy process? - Halloween Cookie with Orange Angry Pumpkin Face
How does the size of the ginger affect the candy process? - Top view of small rectangular shaped box with inscriptions and illustration of mint sweets on white background
How does the size of the ginger affect the candy process? - Joyful young ethnic couple embracing and eating yummy candies from heart shaped gift box during anniversary celebration

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More answers regarding how does the size of the ginger affect the candy process?

Answer 2

I'd "candy" the ginger in chunks (+/- US quarter coin sized) and chop them up when needed for other recipes.

And peel the ginger.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Jill Wellington, Nathan J Hilton, Erik Mclean, Budgeron Bach