How much water to add to rice cooker when cooking brown rice?

How much water to add to rice cooker when cooking brown rice? - Cooked Rice on Black Ceramic Plate

I usually use 1.5 cups of water for every cup of 'white basmati' rice.

Today I used 4 cups of water for 1 cup of 'brown basmati' rice and it came out a bit watery. however i did add more of the water after one round of cooking so maybe that had something to do with the visible water in the rice cooker?

Best Answer

A little experimentation with each machine is in order as boiling time and amount of steam lost varies.

A good starting point for short-grain brown rice is to cover by inch. 2 inches if rice is to be rinsed and further steamed.

Pictures about "How much water to add to rice cooker when cooking brown rice?"

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Quick Answer about "How much water to add to rice cooker when cooking brown rice?"

  • Rinse brown rice grains with cold water.
  • Place 1 cup of rice in a rice cooker bowl.
  • Add 2 cups of water.
  • Start cooking in the rice cooker. When rice finishes cooking, rice cooker will switch to 'keep warm' (after approx 25 minutes). ...
  • Please note, instructions may vary according to rice cooker.

  • How much water do I use for brown rice in a rice cooker?

    The general ratio recommendation for brown rice is 2 1/4 cups water to 1 cup brown rice. While almost all rice cookers come with a measuring cup; some have markings on the cooking pot so you always know how much rice and water to add, no matter how many cups you're using or what type of rice.

    How much water do I need for a cup of brown rice?

    I use 2 cups of water for every cup of rice. Add the water and rice to a medium saucepan, and stir in a teaspoon of extra-virgin olive oil. Next, it's time to cook! Bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat, cover, and simmer for about 45 minutes, until the rice is tender and has absorbed the water.

    What is the ratio of water to rice for white rice and brown rice?

    The rice to water ratio Simply multiply the cups of rice by 1.5 to find the water quantity. If you're making 2 cups rice, use 3 cups water. This ratio is for white rice only. (For brown rice, go to How to Cook Brown Rice.)

    Does brown rice need more water than white rice in rice cooker?

    Cooking the Rice. Add the correct amount of water. A good rule of thumb when making brown rice is to increase the recommended amount of water by 50%. Therefore, whereas you would normally use one cup of water for every cup of rice, you'll want to use one-and-a-half cups to account for the difference in texture.

    How to Cook Perfect Brown Rice in a Rice Cooker | Cooking ASMR No Talking

    More answers regarding how much water to add to rice cooker when cooking brown rice?

    Answer 2

    Overall It depends on the machine/pot you're using. At work we determine it by comparing the amount of water that is above the rice but at home I do a 2:1 ratio, both come out about the same. You just need to figure out your machine and/or pot.

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Trista Chen, Quang Nguyen Vinh, Cats Coming, Naim Benjelloun