How do I flip an egg when preparing it "over easy"?

How do I flip an egg when preparing it "over easy"? - Person Carving Potatoes

I tend to break a lot of yolks when preparing eggs over easy. I also can't do it too fast, making it hard to cook multiple eggs at once (they tend to overcook).

Sometimes the spatula I'm using doesn't want to slide under the egg very easily. Is there anything special about the type of spatula or special preparation with the pan or eggs that might make this harder or easier?

Best Answer

The best thing I've figured out about turning eggs is: do not do it too early. You need to wait for the cooked part of the egg to develop a strong texture before it will support its own weight. It's very difficult to turn a floppy, soft egg, where it's comparatively easy to flip an egg that has been cooked more completely on one side. I also use a relatively high heat, as this "crisps" the cooked surface. It also makes the egg more attractive.

The spatula you use can make a difference, also, though I believe this is minor. The spatula you want is a plastic one with a relatively thin, flexible blade. The really heavy spatulas tend to be too tall, in my experience, and push the egg rather than sneak under it.

Pictures about "How do I flip an egg when preparing it "over easy"?"

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How do you flip an egg when frying?

How to Cook a Fried Egg
  • Heat a nonstick skillet to medium heat and add a little oil to coat the entire bottom of the pan.
  • Carefully crack the egg and open it very close and slowly onto the pan.
  • Allow to cook for 5 minutes and turn over just for a second on the other side.
  • Season with salt and pepper and serve!

  • What is the best way to flip an egg?

    Give the egg about 60-90 seconds for the egg white around the yolk to cook. Once this portion of the egg begins to become white and firm, you can then flip the egg over to the other side.

    EGG OVER EASY - How to make PERFECT OVER EASY EGGS demonstration

    More answers regarding how do I flip an egg when preparing it "over easy"?

    Answer 2

    if you spoon a little of the frying oil over the top of the egg whilst it is cooking this will help to 'set' the top of the egg, making less likely to tear apart or break the yolk when you do flip it. Also try and flip with the yolk near the bottom of the spatula so it has less distance to travel and will be less likely to break.

    Answer 3

    First thing first, may be obvious but use a non stick pan.
    Let your egg cook till the bottom is hard
    Flip with your spatula with care

    If the heat is stronger the bottom will be ready faster and the yolk wont cook like it is hardboiled

    Another way to cook egg (IMO easier) is to put a lid on your pan an let the heat cook the top of the egg

    Answer 4

    A nice technique I learned a few years ago would be to cook the bottom to nearly done, then toss a teaspoon or two of water into the pan (not too much, as you don't want to get rubbery eggs), then clap a lid on it. The steam will cook the tops of the eggs nicely.

    Cook off all the water. If you had enough fat in the pan, the egg edges recrisp well, and you've got a pretty nice looking 'over easy' egg.

    Answer 5

    The pan must be as clean as possible, and the fat as pure as possible. Also, you can try cooking the egg on a lower heat so as to stop it sticking to the pan.

    Answer 6

    Don't use a spatula. Use a non-stick pan with curved edges like these*.

    Use a 9" pan or similar, for cooking 1-2 eggs, or a 12" for 3-4 eggs or omelets.

    Put a little butter in the pan before the egg(s). This adds to the flavor, as well as provides lubrication necessary for the spatula-less flipping.

    When you're ready to flip the egg, pick the pan off the burner, swirl the pan around gently, to make sure the egg is "loose," and isn't sticking to the pan. If it is stuck, you probably didn't use enough butter. Use a spatula to loosen the egg only--not to flip it!

    Once you are confident the egg is loose, flip it in the air with your wrist, by making a forward, then quick upward motion. The egg should flip in the air only a couple of inches. With practice, you'll be able to get the egg to land perfectly every time, without breaking the yoke, and without folding. But it does take practice. But it's worth it, in my opinion. Not only does this produce the prettiest eggs possible, but it also makes you look like a Kitchen Ninja if you're cooking in front of friends. :) I use this method for over-light/easy/medium/hard eggs, as well as omelets.

    Practice with a piece of bread and a cool pan, until you can get the bread to flip over exactly once. Of course the bread won't break if you flip too hard... so practice until you can get your bread to flip clean over with the least amount of force possible. Once you have this down (maybe 1-2 dozen bread flips of practice?) try with real eggs.

    You will "ruin" a few eggs this way (meaning they'll break or fold), but it won't take long until you get most or all of your eggs coming out right this way.

    When I worked at a diner using this method, we would throw away the broken eggs. At home, you can still eat them, as long as you aren't too offended by ugly eggs that still taste good :)

    *Disclaimer: I don't own or recommend these specific pans; the picture just looks similar to the ones I own and like. You can buy suitable pans anywhere.

    Answer 7

    First, your egg should not be too fresh. I mention this in case you happen to have your own chickens or buy eggs straight from the farmer. Otherwise ignore it.

    Second, your pan needs to be super nonstick. I have a small cast iron pan that is used only for frying eggs in butter. Never anything else. And it was used once or more a day every weekday for years - my youngest especially liked to head off to school "on an egg" as they used to say in the UK. It is truly well seasoned. Usually before I flip the egg, I give the pan a bit of a shake to confirm the egg moves around. If it's stuck, when you try to flip you will rip it. If so, move the flipper around under the egg to free it before attempting any kind of lifting. Remove the flipper and shake again to make sure it's free.

    Third, and probably most important, the thing you're flipping with needs to be thin and smooth. A lot of things they sell to flip eggs with really suck. It also needs to be wider than the yolk by a good amount. Most of the plastc utensils for non stick pans are too thick and also not very slippery. Mine is metal but the pan doesn't mind, and it doesn't have those slots cut in it that so many slices (UK) or flippers (US) do.

    Then you need the confidence to get in there and flip it all in one motion, not mess about pushing it around and suspending it in midair for too long. The yolk breaks when you lift up half the egg while the other half is stuck to the pan, when you lift it in a way that has a weight of white hanging down on either side pulling at the yolk, or when you put it in at an angle. Practice is part of it, but practice with the right tools is key. When my ideal flipper was dirty, I used to use different ones. I stopped when I realized I broke the yolk with substitute flippers quite often, and never with my preferred one. So I take a moment to wash the flipper if I need to.

    Answer 8

    Spraying or wiping your spatula with a little cooking spray may help you slide it under the egg.

    Answer 9

    Fresh eggs = stronger membrane on the yolk.

    Pan should be 100% non-stick, and very slick. If the egg sticks at all, you've already lost.

    Flipping should be done without a spatula. You should lift the pan, use your wrist to flip the egg(s) in the air, then when the egg reaches the crest of the flip, you should move the pan up, so it doesn't gain much momentum on the way down.

    Answer 10

    Similar to Kev's answer, I don't flip the egg. However, instead of basting with the oil, I simply cover the pan with a lid. The steam will cook the top side of the egg without flipping.

    Answer 11

    Don't flip the egg. I always fry my eggs in vegetable oil and "baste" the top of the egg by spooning the hot oil over the top.

    I'm not suggesting that there should be so much oil in the pan to float the egg, but enough to be able to spoon the hot oil over the top of the egg with a decent size tea spoon and cook the top.

    I get a perfect fried egg every time (if you like a runny yolk).

    Answer 12

    If im using the grill (e.g doing bacon at the same time), I usually put the frying pan under it for a minute or so (ideally basted with fat as suggested above) which generally cooks it without the need to turn it.

    It can cook and harden the yolk if you do it for too long however.

    Answer 13

    I've noticed that it makes a difference in how you pick up the egg. Slide the spatula under the egg deliberately and with confidence in one quick, fluid motion. Hesitating when sliding under the egg seems to increase the chances of not getting all the way under the yolk and thus, a less than desirable outcome.

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Daisy Anderson, Skitterphoto, Anton Uniqueton, Designecologist