Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation

Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation - Two White Garlics

I understand the ins and outs of peeling, what a clove is, mincing, crushing, etc., as I am new to cooking and learning one step at a time. My question is about size. When I purchase a bulb of garlic, the size can vary a lot, even down to several different sizes of cloves in one bulb. If a recipe calls for eight cloves, the size variation can be pretty big. Do I just pick a size and make sure they are all the same, or do I purchase in a particular way? Or, is a clove a clove?

Best Answer

A clove is not a clove. There are 2 main types of garlic:

  • Hard Neck: hard neck garlic varieties have larger bulbs (or head as you call it), and fewer, larger cloves
  • Soft Neck: soft neck garlic are generally smaller than hard necks, and have more but smaller cloves

Hard neck varieties are on the whole stronger flavored than soft neck varieties, although a lot of it depends on the richness of the soil and how well it was farmed. All garlic varieties have larger cloves on the outside and smaller ones on the inside.

As for how many to use, if a recipe calls for 8 cloves I generally treat one large hardneck clove as 2-3 cloves, and softneck cloves on a 1:1 ratio. Some of the varieties I grow are very strong, so if I'm using a red duke I may just use 1 clove for a recipe that calls for 8. Generally the rule I gave will work fine for store bought garlic.

Pictures about "Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation"

Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation - Garlic Bulbs on Brown Surface
Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation - Bacon, Fig Fruit and Garlic Cloves
Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation - Garlic in Bucket

Quick Answer about "Garlic Cloves Size Differentiation"

There are 2 main types of garlic: Hard Neck: hard neck garlic varieties have larger bulbs (or head as you call it), and fewer, larger cloves. Soft Neck: soft neck garlic are generally smaller than hard necks, and have more but smaller cloves.

What are the different sizes of garlic?

Garlic Bulb Sizes
  • Jumbo Size \u2013 Jumbo planting size 2.25\u2033+, but most fall right around 2.25\u2033 and can get to 2.75+\u201d but the super jumbo are rare. ...
  • Large Size \u2013 Good Planting size. ...
  • Culinary size \u2013 Small or medium sized bulbs similar to grocery store sizes and are best suited for eating.

What size is 1 clove of garlic?

Garlic cloves can range in size from small to extra-large. A small clove is about 1" to a smidgen longer where a large size is about 1.25\u201d to 1.4\u201d in length. When talking about the diameter of a clove, we are referring to the widest spot. A small clove can be on 3/8\u201d to \xbd\u201d and a large clove 5/8\u201d to \xbe\u201d across.

Does garlic clove Size Matter?

Clove size is a better indicator of future bulb size than parent bulb size. (For example: we grew some bulbs that only had two cloves that were both HUGE. We planted these huge cloves and they turned into Large bulbs with large cloves at harvest).

Which garlic has the largest cloves?

The garlic group that produces the largest cloves is the Porcelain Garlics. Until recently (the last 15 years), Porcelains were virtually unknown in the US. Porcelains are hardneck garlics.

Solo garlic different sizes

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Images: Isabella Mendes, Nick Collins, Nicolas Postiglioni, Artem Beliaikin