Creating meal plans [closed]

Creating meal plans [closed] - Brown Bread on Black Tray

I really do not know where to place this question but since this is food related might as well post it here. I am currently making a web application regarding meal plans where the User will input his BMI, and from that I should be able to generate a meal plan for him/her. my question is, is knowing the persons age,bmi and allergy enough to make him a weekly meal plan?

also how would I create plans for a specific with his given info? what are the things I should do or consider?

links of how to create a nutritious meal for person would be highly appreciated.

Best Answer

I'm going to answer the first (and possibly third) part of your question:

is knowing the persons age,bmi and allergy enough to make him a weekly meal plan?

And to that I can quite easily say no, it isn't. Even if we were to take 'allery' to be all sort of food restrictions (eg, religious (Kosher, Halal), intolerances, vegan, etc.), and ignore the medical/nutritional issues, just some of the considerations that I can think of would be:

  • What sort of activities does this person do? A person who sits all day in an office is going to need a different caloric intake than a tradesman who's on their feet all day.

  • What are the person's skills? If you have a novice cook, you're not going to get them to cook complex things ... yet someone who loves to cook might be put off by things that are too simplistic. Even something as simple as dicing an onion ... someone unskilled with dull knives might take 10-20 min to do a bad job (from crying, etc.), then someone with with skill and good knives could get it done in under a minute.

  • What other resources are we dealing with? It could be appliances to work with (eg, not everyone has an oven, much less a food processor) ... or time, or money, etc.

  • What time of year is it, and where do they live? Not all places have access to fresh vegetables year round, and other places may not have access to canned or frozen. We tend to select 'lighter' foods and eat less when it's hot, and we may be more inclined to go with uncooked preparations, but cold meals aren't as desirable in the middle of winter.

  • What does the person like to eat? Someone who loves italian food might not like indian, and visa versa

And that's only scratching the surface.

Pictures about "Creating meal plans [closed]"

Creating meal plans [closed] - White Ceramic Bowl With Noodles and Chopsticks
Creating meal plans [closed] - Close up of an Asian Dish
Creating meal plans [closed] - White Ceramic Plate With Food on Brown Wooden Table

How do I create a simple meal plan?

Making a meal plan can be broken down into six simple steps:
  • Review your schedule.
  • Choose your recipes.
  • Plug the recipes into your schedule.
  • Make your grocery list.
  • Shop.
  • Eat, enjoy, and repeat!

  • What are the 3 key steps for effective meal planning?

    Ok, so here's How to Start Meal Planning in 3 Simple Steps.
    • PICK AND SCHEDULE MEALS. First, take a few moments to think about what you have going on in the week ahead. ...
    • WRITE A GROCERY LIST AND DO THE SHOPPING. Once you've got recipes set, it's time to write out the ingredients you will need for your menu. ...

    What are the general rules for meal planning?

    6-Step Meal Planning Guide
    • Plan ahead, but not too far ahead. ...
    • Shop your fridge and cupboards first. ...
    • Plan your menu around your weekly activities. ...
    • Plan a leftovers night. ...
    • Use your menu plan to make a shopping list. ...
    • Place your menu plan on your fridge.

    What are the 5 Principles of meal planning?

    Key Principles of Meal Planning
    • Adequacy.
    • Balance.
    • Variety.
    • Moderation.
    • Nourishment.

    How To Create A Meal Plan (FREE \u0026 EASY)

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Rachel Claire, Rachel Claire, Rachel Claire, Rachel Claire