Why does my bread collapse in my bread machine?

Why does my bread collapse in my bread machine? - Woman in White Red and Yellow Floral Dress Holding Brown Wicker Basket

I have a bread machine and when I follow the recipes in the included booklet that came with the machine, the bread rises for about an hour, but the collapses back on itself and comes out rock hard and, usually, undercooked (doughy). I've tried adding flour, which helped a little, but didn't cure the problem. When I bake bread in the oven (hand-kneading, etc.) it comes out just fine.

Some additional info: I've had similar problems with chocolate-chip cookies. Recipes that work perfectly for other people collapse in our kitchen (even the recipe from the Nestle chocolate chips package). My only theory is that since we live one block from a very large lake the air is somehow more humid, or dense, or something. Adding almost twice as much flour to the cookies has make them stay up, but now they taste "cakey."

Does anyone know what might be going on and what I could try to help the problem? I'm stabbing in the dark, since I don't know the science behind what's going on.

Best Answer

It may be because of the type of yeast being used. Quick-cooking bread machines (1 hour cycle) typically requires "instant" yeast which rises much faster. Standard-cooking bread machines (2-3 hour cycle) need regular yeast, which is active longer. It sounds like you're using instant yeast in a standard recipe; thus the yeast stops working before the bread machine gets to the second rise cycle. Under-cooking may be because the resultant dough is denser than the machine expects, thus doesn't heat through in time.

Unfortunately the trade names for "Regular Active Dry" yeast and "Instant Dry" yeast can be very confusing.

Pictures about "Why does my bread collapse in my bread machine?"

Why does my bread collapse in my bread machine? - Person Holding Brown Wooden Chopping Board
Why does my bread collapse in my bread machine? - White Ceramic Mug on Brown Wooden Tray
Why does my bread collapse in my bread machine? - Brown Woven Basket on Blue Textile

Why does my bread fall in the bread machine?

When you add too much yeast to the dough in your bread machine, the top of the bread loaf collapses during the baking cycle because too much gas is produced. Bread made in bread machines is more susceptible to improper yeast levels because of the heated rising cycle that stimulates the yeast.

How do I keep my bread from collapsing?

Bread that Falls or Collapses Can Be Caused By:Too much liquid \u2013 Try decreasing water or milk by one to two tablespoons. Remember to look at your dough after a few minutes of kneading and see if it's a smooth, round ball. If the dough is too dry add liquid a teaspoon at a time until the dough balls up.

Why did my homemade bread collapse?

The reason for this is that the yeast in your bread has exhausted itself and does not have any more energy after you put it in the oven. Also, your bread dough has expanded too much and when you put it in the oven your dough cannot rise anymore because the yeast cannot produce any more gasses and it then collapses.

More answers regarding why does my bread collapse in my bread machine?

Answer 2


Proof the yeast first by adding it to water at 115 degrees F along with sugar or honey.

Add slightly more yeast, baking soda, or baking powder than the recipe calls for.

Decrease the amount of salt in the recipe.

Buy a barometer. Bake bread when air pressure is steady or rising. Don't bake when air pressure is dropping.

Knead the dough longer/faster.

Use filtered water instead of tap water.

Try using different kinds of flour.

Don't add more flour without adding more leavening agent.

Answer 3

The cookie deal may not be related. Cookies made with a higher butter-to-shortening ratio will spread and harden due to the butter melting. If you're using a lot of butter, that's the answer there.

Then, if I'm right about your cookies, it sounds like your bread machine could just very well be broken. The "undercooked" remark being the ultimate clue.

Answer 4

I've been baking bread for awhile now and have been all through the problems, and dealt with them all. A couple of tips; Use Wessex Flour, it's the best you'll find and there all good for bread machines, not all flours are. Always keep your Yeast in the fridge and don't keep it too long.

Hope this helps Michael

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