Why does apples bought at the market feel sticky?

Why does apples bought at the market feel sticky? - Four Trays of Varieties of Fruits

When I buy apples at the market, they always feel sticky. When I buy apples at the supermarkt they feel smooth. When I was younger we had an apple tree, and also that apples did not feel sticky in my memories.

The apples taste fine, but no matter how good I wash them, they keep feeling sticky, like there used to be coating of stickers on them. Is there a reason for this? And should I clean them with a towel after washing? (The only way I can get them less sticky) I assume there is nothing wrong with the apples?

I live in the Netherlands, if that matters.

Best Answer

It's wax. Apples contain wax in their peel naturally and the amount varies between different varieties. Some don't feel waxy at all. It is there to prevent the fruit of drying out and the industry sometimes adds wax as well (especially to fruits that will be exported long distances), to keep them fresh longer.

As for removing the wax, you could try this.

Pictures about "Why does apples bought at the market feel sticky?"

Why does apples bought at the market feel sticky? - A Person Holding a Fruit
Why does apples bought at the market feel sticky? - Assorted Fruit Stand
Why does apples bought at the market feel sticky? - Red and Green Apples

What is a sticky apple?

It's wax. Apples contain wax in their peel naturally and the amount varies between different varieties. Some don't feel waxy at all. It is there to prevent the fruit of drying out and the industry sometimes adds wax as well (especially to fruits that will be exported long distances), to keep them fresh longer.

Why do some apples feel greasy?

A: The greasy feeling is the natural wax on the apple. Some apples, such as Jonagold and Cortland, have more than others. Usually if the apples feel greasy they are over mature.

Should I remove wax from apples?

You should also know that there are some food grade waxes that are approved by FSSAI and are safe to consume. However, there is a possibility that your apples may have wax beyond the permissible limit. But if you feel that the apple peels are too slippery and waxy, it is always best to remove it before consuming it.

How do you get the wax off of apples?

  • Dr. Sood suggests dipping the apple in hot water for a few seconds to remove the wax. ...
  • Another method is to mix one tablespoon of lemon juice and one tablespoon of baking soda in water. ...
  • You can also use vinegar instead of lemon juice mixed in water. ...
  • Apple cider vinegar is also a good option.

  • Apple Has A BIG PROBLEM.

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Magda Ehlers, cottonbro, Artem Beliaikin, Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto