Smoked meat too smokey tasting

Smoked meat too smokey tasting - Slices of delicious meat on wooden board

I bought a large quantity of smoked cuts of pork (Ham, Sausage and bacon) and find it is too smokey. Is there anything I can do prior to cooking or method of cooking that will lessen the smoked taste?

Best Answer

You can soak it, or you can boil it in several changes of water, or both (then bake to finish if that's what you want, or dry it then fry or grill it in the case of bacon).

This works better for smaller pieces so you may want to cut it into the minimum acceptable size first.

Slow cooking a gammon joint in plenty of cider or apple juice, possibly spiced, can help to mask the smokiness. You can throw in roughly chopped apple and/or onion as well.

Pictures about "Smoked meat too smokey tasting"

Smoked meat too smokey tasting - A Person in Black Shirt Cooking Meat while Using Tongs
Smoked meat too smokey tasting - Whole smoked pig on broach near metal table with various utensils in yard of countryside house
Smoked meat too smokey tasting - Hotdogs and Bacon on the Griller

How do you make smoked meat taste less smoky?

If the meat is too smoky, to alter the flavor you have to stir fry the meat. Firstly, drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan. Let the oil heat, then add the meat. Now on low heat, let the meat cook for 5-10 minutes.

Why is my smoker so Smokey?

Too much fuel in your smoker. Your coals are not hot enough. Not enough airflow for complete combustion. A raging hot fire that moves too fast to fully burn the fuel in your cooker.

Why does my BBQ taste too smokey?

Answer: Too much smoke or bad smoke can give your BBQ a bitter flavor. You can put the logs/chunks in a burn barrel, let them burn down to hot coals, and then use the coals. This will definitely cut down on the smoke.

How do you fix bitter smoke on meat?

While this is the most common reason your meat tastes bitter, there are other factors as well, such as using a dirty smoker. Brushing away any excess or old ash can help. In addition, check if the meat has not gone bad. Another common reason is that expired meat may lead to an unpleasant taste.

BBQ White Smoke, Dirty \u0026 Bad smoke!

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Julia Filirovska, RODNAE Productions, Skylar Kang, RODNAE Productions