Raw garlic in Sunflower oil

Raw garlic in Sunflower oil - Tomatoes with garlic cloves near fresh parsley and oil

So I wanted to infuse garlic flavour to my sunflower oil. I sliced one full garlic and added it to cold sunflower oil and let it be for a week. When I opened it, the flavour seemed to have infused well but I saw a few bubbles of air in the oil. I got a bit worried and put the glass jar in the refrigerator.

Can you please tell me if:-

  1. I can use the oil safely if I continue to refrigerate it. Or should I just throw it all away?

  2. Can I do something to the oil to make it safe to consume?

Best Answer

Make fresh or refrigerate for up to 1 week is what is generally recommended for garlic-in-oil mixtures.

Marketed garlic oils are extremely controlled as garlic generally represents a risk of Clostridium botulinum presence in the food.

According to this link,

The FDA recommends that if you want to make your own infused garlic oil, you should prepare it fresh and use it right away. If you are saving any leftovers, you must refrigerate it right away and use within a week.

A link to the FDA document PDF download containing the following:

"Oil products that can create anaerobic sites of sufficient aw favorable for C. botulinum growth and toxin production are problematic; for example, the addition of fresh garlic to oil. The moisture surrounding the garlic fragments coupled with no acidulant creates the conditions necessary for C. botulinum growth and toxin production. To maintain a pH that precludes growth and toxin production, an acidulant is required in these products"

This spore-forming anaerobic bacteria is known to be extremely dangerous and lethal in small doses.

I am not saying to not play with garlic-in-oils at all, or trying to scare you out of it, but it is definitely a topic in culinary pleasure that requires research and preparation.

Pictures about "Raw garlic in Sunflower oil"

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Is garlic in sunflower oil good for you?

05/7\u200bImproves brain healthGarlic oil can help in preventing neurodegenerative diseases like memory loss or dementia. The oil contains sulfur compounds like diallyl disulfide and diallyl trisulfide, which prevent oxidation and accumulation of cholesterol, which when oxidised can lead to clots in the brain.

Can you put raw garlic in oil?

Garlic in oil is very popular, but homemade garlic in oil can cause botulism if not handled correctly. Unrefrigerated garlic-in-oil mixes can foster the growth of clostridium botulinum bacteria, which produces poisons that do not affect the taste or smell of the oil.

Can you infuse sunflower oil with garlic?

Kricklewood Farm Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil infused with garlic to create a savoury unique flavour perfect for mashed potatoes, pasta or wherever a garlic taste is desired.

What happens when you put garlic in oil?

Garlic is a low-acid ingredient, and if stored improperly in oil (without oxygen) and in warm temperatures (at room temperature), it can produce a very serious toxin that causes botulism.

Garlic Confit and Garlic Oil (Hot and Cold Infusion Method) + (How to get Super Clear Infused Oil)

More answers regarding raw garlic in Sunflower oil

Answer 2

Short answers - 1 No. 2 Yes

My source was http://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/botulism

However, upon going back to find the URL in response to the request and comment, it is obvious that I mis-read their statement. I apologize and withdraw my answer to the question

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: PatrĂ­cia Paixao, alleksana, alleksana, Mike