Is it true that honey never spoils? Why?

Is it true that honey never spoils? Why? - Clear Glass Cup With Brown Liquid

I've heard that "honey never spoils", but I'm incredulous. Is this true, and if so, how? Isn't there some indicator that I should throw the honey in my cupboard away?

Best Answer

Honey is very stable for a number of reasons. The main ones though are the low amount of water (most honey is under 18% water) and the high amount of sugar (which is a preservative). Both of these things keep things like mold and bacteria from being able to grow. Over a long period of time (and if left unsealed) the honey could absorb moisture and then ferment (the sugar would turn to alcohol) but if sealed then your honey should be fine for a long time. This PDF from the National Honey board says that a shelf life of 2 years is often stated. On Chowhound I saw a discussion that said that in the UK the "best by" dates are usually 4 years out so I'm guessing that those dates have far more to do with decisions by the respective governments (i.e. laws that state a maximum best by date no matter what the food is) then the actual shelf life of honey. As the honey in your cupboard, if it's only a few months or a year old as long as it's been in a sealed container then it most likely should be fine.

Pictures about "Is it true that honey never spoils? Why?"

Is it true that honey never spoils? Why? - Brown Wooden Stick in Clear Glass Jar
Is it true that honey never spoils? Why? - Clear Glass Bowl Beside Yellow Flower
Is it true that honey never spoils? Why? - Top View of Bees Putting Honey

Quick Answer about "Is it true that honey never spoils? Why?"

Once the nectar is deposited in the honeycomb, the bees fan it furiously with their wings to speed up the water's evaporation. The honey's low water content and high acidity are the two main reasons it doesn't spoil – the bacteria that cause food to go off can't thrive in these conditions.

Why Honey Never Spoils? | One Minute Bites | Don't Memorise

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Answer 2

In addition to the really high sugar-content, Honey has antibacterial properties; so far that some kinds of honey are used as an antibiotic on wounds. has an article on that aspect of honey. This adds to the "no spoiling" capabilities of honey, because it will prevent any bacteria-related spoiling.

Answer 3

Sealed honey is good forever.. thousands of years at least. we know this from jars of honey found around the world that were sealed by ancient civilizations. It is an amazing substance.

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Images: Adonyi Gábor, Adonyi Gábor, Mareefe, Pixabay