How to store blanched garlic?

How to store blanched garlic? - Photo of Assorted Food Hanging on Gray Metal Railings

I've gone through the process of immersing my garlic in boiled water 3 times to remove that bitter taste. But how do I store it? I've blanched close to 5 heads of garlic (40-ish cloves). I would rather not pickle it. Any advice?

Best Answer

Once you blanch garlic it needs to be treated as cooked, so if you don't want to pickle it then your options are to refrigerate it or freeze it.

Pictures about "How to store blanched garlic?"

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Can garlic be blanched?

Blanched garlic is a great way to remove the harsh, bitter bite of raw garlic while still keeping the floral, garlic aroma and flavor.

How long do you blanch garlic for?

Blanching: Bring a small saucepan of water to a low boil. Separate the cloves from 1 head of garlic, leaving the skins on, and drop into water for 5 minutes. Remove and drain.

Blanched Garlic • How to - Tips \u0026 Tricks 68

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Images: Min An, RODNAE Productions, RODNAE Productions, ready made