How to reduce/remove smell when cooking salmon fin soup?

How to reduce/remove smell when cooking salmon fin soup? - Cooked Food on White Ceramic Plate

I usually use simple recipes for salmon fin soup (tomato soup + salmon fin with some seasoning mostly). It tastes good but the smell of salmon fin is not.

What should I do to reduce or remove the smell?

Pictures about "How to reduce/remove smell when cooking salmon fin soup?"

How to reduce/remove smell when cooking salmon fin soup? - Close-up Photo of Sushi Served on Table
How to reduce/remove smell when cooking salmon fin soup? - A Variety Of Asian Food
How to reduce/remove smell when cooking salmon fin soup? - Person Holding Sushi on Black Plate

How do you get the fishy smell out of fish soup?

How to Get Rid of Fish Smell
  • Milk. One of the easiest way to get rid of fish smell before cooking is to soak fish pieces in milk for half an hour. ...
  • White Vinegar. Mix together white vinegar with some water and soak fish or see food in it for about 5 minutes. ...
  • Flour.

  • How do you get rid of salmon smell before cooking?

    The professionals at Epicurious recommend soaking your fish in milk for 20 minutes prior to cooking. The protein in the milk binds with the fishy odors and removes them, leaving behind a sweeter, brighter and cleaner-flavored fish.

    FINNISH SALMON SOUP | Cat's Kitchen

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Mikele Sobrevilla, Pixabay, cottonbro, Huy Phan