How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos?

How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos? - Small black obsolete old fashioned television placed on withered dry grass on street against blurred background in countryside in nature

I have been making spiced dried mangoes lately by purchasing a package of dried mangoes, placing them into a bowl, splashing some lime juice on them, and then adding paprika, cayenne, ancho, and crushed red pepper.

While the process works nicely to get the spice in place, the acidity of the lime seems to rehydrate the mango pretty thoroughly. I have tried using as minimal of an amount as possible, but it doesn't seem to matter much if I drench it or use it sparingly.

Once the process is complete, I will leave the mangoes out in the open, however it can take several days for them to gain rigidity and stop being sticky to the touch from the lime juice.

How can I speed up the process of getting them back to the similar dried fruit nature they were when I purchased them without losing the new flavors?

Best Answer

Doug has the right idea, but ovens trap the moisture, increasing the humidity around the food, decreasing the efficiency of the oven as a drying machine.

For detailed information regarding the physics of drying foodstuffs, I found the following helpful:

From these ideas, I would suggest placing the mangoes in a dry ventilated room, with some sort of heat source applied (doesn't have to be much). The combination of the dry air and the heat will speed the evaporation.

Pictures about "How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos?"

How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos? - Strong ethnic boy carrying dry plants
How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos? - Closeup background of textured shabby solid plywood with rough dried surface and small chipped details place don street with sunlight
How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos? - Dried dirty autumn grass and leaves placed near shabby house on rural terrain

Quick Answer about "How to dry out rehydrated dried mangos?"

  • Remove the skin using a peeler or sharp paring knife.
  • Cut the mangos into uniform slices.
  • Arrange the slices on the Breeze dehydrator racks (or silicon mesh sheets) with plenty of space between to allow even airflow.
  • Set the temperature to 50°C and the time to 8 hours.

  • Why is my dried mango wet?

    They are supposed to be moist only. Wet means they've used too much sulfur in the processing, which is not to my taste. Helpful? Thank you for your feedback!

    Can you rehydrate dried mango?

    Put your dried fruit in a small bowl and cover with boiling water. Let it steep for 10 to 15 minutes, and then strain the fruit and discard the water. The fruit will be plumper, juicier, and softer.

    How do you preserve dried mango?

    Store the mango pieces in sealed containers or simply in plastic zip-lock bags and place them into the cupboard or pantry. Dried mango pieces should last at least 6 months.

    Can you sun dry mangoes?

    Sun-dried mango is one of the most beloved among all dried fruits. However, it must not be consumed excessively as it is high in calories. Sun-dried mango is also rich in various nutrients, including Vitamin A, which regulates calcium, iron, and metabolism.

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    More answers regarding how to dry out rehydrated dried mangos?

    Answer 2

    I'd just use an oven on its lowest setting.

    At work we dry food out in the plate warming cupboard but if you are doing this at home I don't suppose you'll have one...

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Anete Lusina, Ahmed akacha, Nothing Ahead, Erik Mclean