How many wash cycles should I aim for when washing brown rice?

How many wash cycles should I aim for when washing brown rice? - Eco friendly loofah placed on wooden table

I was told that I'm supposed to keep washing the brown rice with water, empty the pot out, and repeat until the water doesn't become foggy anymore to get rid of the arsenic. For each cycle, I pat, squeeze, and swirl the rice around for roughly 1 minute. I've done this 12 cycles now and the water still remains foggy. Should I keep going or is that enough?

Best Answer

The cloudiness you see in your rinse water is starch, not arsenic.

The amount of arsenic still present after rinsing off the starch and cooking the rice is safe according to the FDA.

Pictures about "How many wash cycles should I aim for when washing brown rice?"

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How many wash cycles should I aim for when washing brown rice? - Mosaic tiled walls in modern bathroom with ceramic sink on white cabinet and bathtub
How many wash cycles should I aim for when washing brown rice? - White ceramic toilet bowl and sink in contemporary bathroom with big mirror reflecting brown tiled walls

Quick Answer about "How many wash cycles should I aim for when washing brown rice?"

I was told that I'm supposed to keep washing the brown rice with water, empty the pot out, and repeat until the water doesn't become foggy anymore to get rid of the arsenic. For each cycle, I pat, squeeze, and swirl the rice around for roughly 1 minute. I've done this 12 cycles now and the water still remains foggy.

How many times should you wash brown rice?

Should you rinse rice every time you cook it? I recommend it, if you want a fluffier texture and individual grains. When it comes to whole-grain rice, think of it as an agricultural product, like produce or a bag of apples. If you buy one of those from the store, you're going to wash it.

How do you wash brown rice?

For between four and seven cups of rice, wash it three times, and for more than eight cups of rice, wash it four times. If the water remains cloudy, keep washing and rinsing until the rice grains are visible through the water. Be sure to work quickly so that each wash takes only 15 seconds or less.

How many times should I wash my rice?

Rinse and Toast for Better Brown RiceRinsing your rice before cooking it washes away any grit or dust that may have gotten mixed in during production. I also find that rinsing helps improve the texture of the rice; it's less crucial than rinsing white rice, but still helps to make each grain distinct.

Reduce Arsenic in Brown Rice

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Sarah Chai, Tara Winstead, Max Vakhtbovych, Max Vakhtbovych