How do you fillet fresh salmon?

How do you fillet fresh salmon? - Salmon with greens and quail eggs on banquet table

I want to buy a whole piece of fresh salmon, head to tail intact, and fillet it. Is there a technique that can be shared for a novice?

Best Answer

Filleting a roundfish is really quite easy but is better explained in person or through pictures vs. text. Here's a link that will provide step-by-step photos.

Pictures about "How do you fillet fresh salmon?"

How do you fillet fresh salmon? - Traditional Japanese sushi covered with raw fish
How do you fillet fresh salmon? - Appetizing salmon steak served on plate
How do you fillet fresh salmon? - Slices of Salmon Sashimi with Slices of Lime on Black Bowl

How do you fillet salmon at home?

Start with the skin-side down, and let it crisp up. It's much easier to slide a fish spatula under the salmon's skin than under its delicate flesh. The only exceptions? You should remove the skin when you're poaching or slow-roasting salmon\u2014it will never get crispy in liquid and end up with a gummy, unpleasant texture.

How do I fillet a whole salmon?

Grasp the end of the bone with fish tweezers or needlenose pliers and pull slowly and steadily on the bone, wiggling it gently until it pulls free. Repeat until the fillet is bone-free.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Marianna, Ryutaro Tsukata, Taha Samet Arslan, Towfiqu barbhuiya