How can I rehydrate a dried navel orange?

How can I rehydrate a dried navel orange? - Sliced Orange Fruit on Brown Wooden Chopping Board

I have a lot of navel oranges which are slightly dry inside. Is there a way to rehydrate these? How?

Best Answer

Nothing I know of will make them juicy to eat on their own. Likely they were under-watered or picked late.

Can infuse with alcohol -inject or marinate- and have cocktails.

Or find a compote recipe. Peel still good.

I have tried adding a bit a water to cut halves to 'rinse out' more flavor when juicing but it was not worth the effort.

Pictures about "How can I rehydrate a dried navel orange?"

How can I rehydrate a dried navel orange? - Brown Parquet Board
How can I rehydrate a dried navel orange? - Brown Wooden Panel
How can I rehydrate a dried navel orange? - Top view of fresh ripe slices of tangerine and oranges placed on crumpled fabric on marble surface with dried branches

How do you make oranges moist again?

Roll the lemon, lime or orange on the kitchen counter using the palm of your hand and firm pressure for around 10 seconds. You are aiming to bruise the fruit loosen up the juices inside, so press down firmly. Cut the fruit in half. Juice using a citrus press or a reamer, squeezing firmly.

What to do with drying out oranges?

  • Preheat your oven to 170 degrees F.
  • Slice the oranges into 1/4 inch slices.
  • Lay the slices on an oven safe rack, then place that rack on to a cooking sheet. This will allow air to flow around the oranges as they bake.
  • Bake for 6 hours. Turn the slices over every hour or so.

  • Can dried orange slices be saved?

    Even if you were to dry and store dried oranges to be eaten they can last up to two years! The key is to make sure you've dried your slices completely to prevent any mold. If you are planning on storing them away for the next season, store them between pieces of newspaper to collect any moisture.

    What causes navel oranges to be dry inside?

    Over-ripened fruit \u2013 A common cause of dry orange fruit is when the oranges are left too long on the tree after they are fully ripe. Underwatering \u2013 If a tree receives too little water while in fruit, this can cause dry oranges. The basic goal of any tree, not just an orange tree, is to survive.

    Dehydrating Orange Slices ~ Food Storage

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Mălina Sîrbu, FWStudio, FWStudio, Sunsetoned