How can I control humidity levels when curing salami?

How can I control humidity levels when curing salami? - Photo Of Doctor Checking On Her Patient

I have a problem with a fridge I am converting to a curer, namely high humidity. I have read a similar question on this forum, however my problem is slightly more complicated. I will start off by saying I live in the UK, where humidity is on the whole higher than in the States.

I am successfully controlling my temperature by turning the fridge on and off via a temperature controller, but the humidity is driving me mad.I cannot seem to get it lower than 85-80%, even with a humidity controller turning a light on to raise the temperature, so the compressor runs more frequently. This does lower the humidity, but as soon as the compressor turns off, the humidity is straight back up to 85%, and this is with no food in it.

I'm guessing that as a salami dries it will release moisture it loses into the atmosphere of the fridge, increasing the humidity. If I open my door the humidity immediately rises to 100% every time without fail, so I figure putting any sort of vent in the side will be counter productive. Ive got a 3kg tray of salt in the bottom which I swap daily and dry the removed tray in the oven. I'd really appreciate any help on this.

Best Answer

Instead of salt, you could get silica gel. These crystals can be found by the bucket, not just in tiny packets. They also make a variety with an indicator that turns pink when they need to be changed. Bake to refresh them.

Silica gel is amazing stuff. There is no way you'll not be able to keep the air dry with a mass of absorber tye same scale as the salami. It's just a matter of how often you'll need to change it.

Pictures about "How can I control humidity levels when curing salami?"

How can I control humidity levels when curing salami? - Turned on Iphone 5 on Prospekt Newsletter 2016
How can I control humidity levels when curing salami? - Anonymous person pressing button of lift
How can I control humidity levels when curing salami? - From above closeup of white ellipse shaped medical pills placed on bright yellow surface

How do I lower the humidity in my curing chamber?

After the first few weeks, I normally play with my controller to drop the humidity down to 70-75. I run the temperature at 54 degrees. By lowering your temp slightly, the refrigerator may run a little longer and keep the humidity slightly lower if you choose.

How do you control humidity levels?

How Can I Reduce My Humidity Levels?
  • Use Your Air Conditioner. ...
  • Actively Use Your Exhaust/Ventilation Fans. ...
  • Take Cooler Showers. ...
  • Fix Any Leaking Pipes. ...
  • Keep Your Gutters Clean. ...
  • Dry Your Laundry Outside. ...
  • Get a Dehumidifier. ...
  • Move Your House Plants.

  • What humidity should salami be at?

    The best temperature for maturing salami is anywhere between 6 and 16 degrees Celsius, with a humidity of anywhere between 70 to 85 percent. This is why winter is perfect.

    How do you keep the humidity constant?

    12 Ways to Add Moisture to Dry Air and Increase Humidity Levels at Home
  • Use a Large Room Humidifier. ...
  • Air-dry Your Clothes Inside on a Drying Rack. ...
  • Add Houseplants to Your Room. ...
  • Use a Powerful Essential Oil Diffuser. ...
  • Leave the Bathroom Door Open When Showering. ...
  • Leave the Water in the Bathtub and Let it Cool.

  • Curing Climate - creating the optimal climate for curing meats

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Thirdman, Pixabay, Kelly L, Karolina Grabowska