Glass still safe after boil-off?

Glass still safe after boil-off? - Two Labeled  Bottles Of Wine Beside A Wine Glass By The Pool

I accidentally let all the water boil off in my standard glass kettle (if it matters, it's a Medelco WK112 OneAll Stovetop Whistling Kettle). It didn't crack, and cleaned up fine.

But might there be a lingering chemical change that's left the glass unsafe? (E.g., is there anything it might leach into the water I'll be boiling day after day?)

As per the suggestion of @moscafj, I asked the manufacturer, which replied:

Hi- we do not recommend you to use that kettle any longer if it was boiled out dry as stated in our instructions."

But I am still interested in the question. (I'll get a new kettle to be on the safe side, but not because I "always trust the manufacturer.")

Best Answer

While @Brendan's answer is the correct one as it comes directly from the manufacturer, the risk with glass and other ceramics is not that it will start to leach chemicals into the water, but rather that the glass has been subjected to heat in an abnormal and uneven fashion (the heat is at the bottom and localized, the top will be coolish).

This uneven heating could potentially lead to stresses on the glass that are not visible to the naked eye, but have resulted in microfractures or general weakening of the glass structure. As a result the kettle could potentially collapse/shatter, especially if filled to a high level and boiled. This would result in large volumes of boiling water being released and could result in burns from direct contact with the water and from steam.

Pictures about "Glass still safe after boil-off?"

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Glass still safe after boil-off? - Closeup of plenty of small fish swimming together in clean glass transparent aquarium

Quick Answer about "Glass still safe after boil-off?"

Unleaded glass is unlikely to leach anything nasty into your water. I think the risk is not that it will leach anything, but rather that the glass has been subjected to temperatures that might make it brittle and prone to breaking.

Does glass break if you boil it?

The effect of thermal shock is powerful and results in the cracking of glass. Even heat-resistant glasses like Pyrex can shatter when poured with boiling water incorrectly. To prevent the glass from cracking when exposed to boiling water, you should avoid extreme and abrupt changes in temperature.

Is boiling glass safe?

When it comes to glass or wood pipes, you may want to steer clear of boiling. Many people safely boil their glass or wood pipes, but you run the risk of weakening the glass or warping the wood if you do.

Can I boil water in a glass jar?

You never want to add glass jars to a pot of boiling water because you can crack or shatter the jars.

Can you put boiling water in a glass measuring cup?

Yes, you can pour boiling water into the measuring cups. We would recommend that the measuring cup be at room temperature.

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More answers regarding glass still safe after boil-off?

Answer 2

The manufacturer replied:

"Hi- we do not recommend you to use that kettle any longer if it was boiled out dry as stated in our instructions."

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Engin Akyurt, Sophia Moss, cottonbro, Meruyert Gonullu