Can I reheat meal in pyrex-like glassware on vitro ceramic stove? [duplicate]

Can I reheat meal in pyrex-like glassware on vitro ceramic stove? [duplicate] - Banquet table with served food and cutlery

I have this delicious dish with gravy I did yesterday, and the rest is still in the pyrex-like oven proof glassware used to cook it.

Can I "cheat" and quickly reheat directly on my vitro ceramic stove top ? That would seem much quicker than reheating it the oven, and would save dish washing compared to transfering the contents into a frying pan.

My core question is specifically about the integrity of the glassware (though I'm aware it should reheat less uniformly than in the oven).

There is a related question that I found, but it is about a bowl that was not especially made for the oven at all, so I guess this question is different.

Best Answer

I would absolutely not recommend heating Pyrex with any type of direct heat, ever.

That stuff goes off like a hand-grenade, highly dangerous - not to mention messy.

I've seen it happen too many times for it to be even vaguely worth the risk; even when accidentally placed on recently switched-off hobs.

Pyrex is a low-expansion glass. However, low-expansion does not mean zero-expansion, so if the bottom is being heated whilst the top stays cool, the expansion difference is enough to cause it to simply explode all over the kitchen.

Yes to microwave, but a solid no for a hob.
[& I'm talking UK Pyrex, I didn't know US was even worse until I read the Pyrex wikipedia page ChrisH posted]

If you have no microwave, then either oven or transfer it to a pan.
The extra washing up is safer & far less hassle than trying to clean the hob, then find all the really really sharp glass shards that will find every corner of a 20m square room.

Pictures about "Can I reheat meal in pyrex-like glassware on vitro ceramic stove? [duplicate]"

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Can I reheat food in Pyrex?

This ovenproof bakeware also comes in clear glass, or with a range of different patterns. It is even possible to get Pyrex jugs, designed to withstand the heat of boiling liquids. So, these wonderful dishes make it easy to prepare a meal in advance, and then simply pop it into the oven to reheat!

Can Pyrex be used on ceramic stove top?

Pyrex Stovetop Cookware Classic glass Pyrex bakeware is not suitable to be heated on cooktops, ceramic or otherwise. Its bakeware dishes, casserole dishes and colorful mixing bowls, many of which came with traditional patterns, are a staple of many American homes.

Why did my Pyrex dish exploded in the oven?

When a Pyrex bowl is heated or cooled rapidly, different parts of the bowl expand or contract by different amounts, causing stress. If the stress is too extreme, the bowl's structure will fail, causing a spectacular shattering effect.


More answers regarding can I reheat meal in pyrex-like glassware on vitro ceramic stove? [duplicate]

Answer 2

Strangely, it makes a difference where you are. American "pyrex" would be very likely to break, while European "PYREX" would have a good chance if heated gently. However I wouldn't recommend it even then. If you've got a microwave that would do a better job of reheating than the stove top and either sort of Pyrex can generally take microwaving

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Images: Rachel Claire, Rachel Claire, SHVETS production, Kamaji Ogino