Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics?

Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics? - Cheerful crop black homosexual men eating in outdoor cafe

It is pretty widely known that cilantro tastes bad for some people only because of a gene that makes that herb taste like soap.

But are there other foods/herbs that are known to be your taste or not just with genetics?

Best Answer

This is an interesting question which I researched a bit, since I used do have night-mares of cilantro when I came first into contact with it in Portugal.

There are a lot of articles (like the ones linked in the comments of your question) about how genetics, how a certain part of the DNA is responsible for the experience of a certain taste, but not a lot of scientific papers about lasting taste preferences influenced by your DNA.

It seems much more to be an issue of habits and environment. Visiting Portugal for some years in a row, one day I didn't have to pick out the cilantro leaves anymore, actually started to like them so much that nowadays for me "more is better". That would not be possible, if I'm genetically designed to be a cilantro-hater

This paper speaks about moderate genetic basis of food preferences, which tends to not persist during time:

Conclusions: Food preferences had a moderate genetic basis in late adolescence, in keeping with findings in children. However, by this older age, the influence of the shared family environment had disappeared, and only aspects of the environment unique to each individual twin influenced food preferences. This finding suggests that shared environmental experiences that influence food preferences in childhood may not have effects that persist into adulthood.

Pictures about "Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics?"

Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics? - Man in Blue and White Plaid Button Up Shirt Holding Silver Spoon
Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics? - Person Holding Black and Red Round Container
Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics? - Closeup cross section of lemon with fresh ripe juicy pulp

Quick Answer about "Are there other foods that are known to be not your taste based on genetics?"

Genetic differences are responsible for perceptions in brassica vegetables (e.g. cabbage), alcohol consumption, and some non-nutritive sweeteners; if you are a non-taster, you're more likely to have higher consumption of those foods because they wont taste as bitter to you as someone with the tasting genes.

The genetics of taste - Professor Turi King

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Uriel Mont, Yan Krukov, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska