Latest Cooking Answers

For Pizza cooking at home. What is the best alternative to the pizza stone?

For Pizza cooking at home. What is the best alternative to the pizza stone?

How do you remove the pit from a mango?

I've only attempted this once, and it was a complete disaster. Can anyone provide some tips for a beginner?

Removing fat from a recipe

If I see a recipe I like and it includes a marinade or sauce where butter or oil is a significant ingredient, is there any way to substitute that fat and preser

How can I keep meringue pie-topping from falling?

Nothin' better on a hot summer afternoon than a slice of cold pie... And nothin' says "summer" like a great big fluffy meringue topping over that slab of rhubar

How can I tell if a fish can safely be prepared "crudo"?

Is there something you can look for? Am I left to the seller's word and my own discernment?

How to fix food that got extra salty?

How to fix food that got extra salty? I imagine this depends on what the food is. With spaghetti, you can add water or change water if you detect it on time. Bu

How do you clean a seasoned cast iron skillet?

I have a seasoned cast iron skillet, and I don't want to mess up the seasoning when I'm cleaning it. What do I use and what don't I use to get it back to clean

What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good?

What dough would you recommend for when you need to wrap up a lemon pie fairly quickly?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of various sugars/substitutes?

Such as: Splenda Artificial Sweeteners Sugar "In the Raw" Honey Stevia Molasses Can they be used interchangeably in recipes or do they have to be used at diffe

How do you properly cook a steak?

I love steaks so much, that I would like to get a green card and live in the States just to enjoy good steaks whenever I want. When I try to cook a steak at ho

What safety precautions should be taken when attempting to flambe at home?

Is this one of those things that unless you've been taught by an experienced person and you know what you're doing you probably just shouldn't try? If I did wan

How can I prevent pan fried chicken from becoming too chewy?

Every time I cook boneless/skinless chicken breast in a pan over the stove-top it seems to end up slightly chewy. What am I doing wrong?

Is there any difference between chopped and crushed garlic in cooking?

Often recipes say to chop garlic, but I usually cheat and just crush it as it's quicker. Is there any difference in doing this? Will it have much of an effect o

Unnecessary kitchen gadgets: a reference [closed]

There are a lot of advertised tools and electronic gadgets for every field; the kitchen is no exception. In my experience, there are a lot of

Precautions making carpaccio

I saw in TV chefs making carpaccio. They get a nice raw meat and fillet them in thin pieces. Then they make a sauce and side dishes. Isn't eating this raw me

Can cheesecake be cooked without a spring-form pan?

I don't have a spring form pan but I watched a show where they seemed to cook their cheesecakes in regular pans. Is this possible or did I just not notice that

What is the functional difference between imitation vanilla and true vanilla extract?

When baking or using vanilla, most recipes call for vanilla extract. In the supermarket you can find imitation vanilla flavoring for less money. Obviously the i

How do you open a coconut?

Without killing yourself or others?

What vegan substitutes are available for cheese?

Suppose I want a cheesy-tasting sauce that is vegan. How could I obtain this flavor (or something close to it) without using any actual milk or cheese?

Why do burgers sometimes fall apart on the grill?

Sometimes when cooking a burger I have had it completely fall apart for no apparent reason. Is this due to using a ground meat that is too lean? I don't add any

What is the difference between various cuts of steak?

I'm sure each has their own differences in texture (and cost) but don't really know exactly what they are or what they are best used for. I like bone in ribeyes

How should I care for my knives?

I've finally put down the money to buy a quality knife and it's sharpness is amazing! How do I take care of it so that the edge lasts and the knife stays sharp

When baking, is it better to use a gas or electric oven?

I'm looking for an oven and wanted to know if there is any difference between a gas or electric oven when it comes to baking things like cakes, biscuits and sco

Onion soup: How to chop the onion and what kind of cheese to put in it? [closed]

What is your preferred type of cut for the onion in onion soup? And how do you put the cheese? A deep chunk submerged in each plate, on top?

Substitution for Suet in Christmas Pudding

I'm interested in making a traditional Christmas pudding but I've never seen suet available in the stores around here. Assuming I can't find any, what would be

What are some good substitutes for salt for those on low sodium diets?

I try to keep my sodium intake fairly low to ensure that my blood pressure doesn't get too high. Salt is such a common part of cooking, and it's especially dif

How thoroughly do you need to clean the inside of a chicken before baking it?

My wife's family breaks apart the inside and cleans out what is in between the bones. My family just rinses the inside and then bakes it. Do you need to be supe

Does it take a special type of blender to make smoothies?

Or am I just doing it wrong? I have what I consider a typical blender that you might find in any American kitchen. It's a glass container with a cross shaped bl

What is the difference between various types of flour?

Is there a difference between the various types of flour that you see in the stores (i.e. Cake, Bread, and All-Purpose? Is it really necessary to stock 3 types

My Baba Ghanoush is too watery

I tried cooking Baba Ghanoush for the first time and though tasty I didn't quite get the expected results. It was watery instead of creamy like the ones I had