Latest Cooking Answers

Digital recipes storage? [closed]

What works well for storing recipes digitally? Software and web solutions are both welcome. For me, the ideal solution would accept recipes

What are convenient and reliable ways to make the starter for rye bread?

The biggest issue with make good rye bread is to make the starter since it needs to rise in a very controlled temperature for some time. What are good and relia

Is there an alternative to cornstarch when used to thicken a pie filling

I made a some pies a couple of days ago. The recipe called for cornstarch and it thicken the filling after it came out of the oven. The only thing is I could ta

Sniffing out a rotten egg from the dozen

Is it possible to tell if an egg has gone off? I am not referring to those eggs that have been especially brined to look like they've been sitting around for

Why does a brown paper bag speed ripening?

I often see this technique suggested as a way to speed ripening. Why does it? Also, is there any data available on how fast it ripens comparatively?

Is there a milk-free sour cream?

Is there some kind of milk-free sour cream available, to use as substitute due to an allergy?

Can you hone a knife properly by using another knife?

I recall seeing this in movies. Can it be called the poor man's steel?

What's the difference between pan frying, sauteing, and shallow frying?

As I understand it, all of these terms refer to cooking food in a small amount of fat/oil. What exactly is the difference?

What makes fleur de sel different from regular salt?

Fleur de sel is the salt from the top of the pot when you heat salted water. But what makes it different from the rest of the salt in the pot?

How long do you let a steak from the fridge come up to temperature, and when do you salt it?

Before cooking a steak, you're supposed to let it sit out at room temperature. You're also supposed to salt it. What is the proper timing for these steps? How l

How to Store Fresh Herbs

What is the best way to store fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro? I find I have about the same luck with them whether they are left in a plastic bag or I put

Which vinegars are essential to keep on hand?

There seems to be a large variety of different vinegars called for in the various recipes I've been trying out lately. I've ended up with a cabinet full of half

Why do my burgers end up round?

When I broil or grill my burgers, I end up with burgers that are round in the middle. I grind my own beef blend and form my patties the same every time. When

Once a month cooking

I've heard of "once a month cooking" or "freezer cooking," where you basically spend a day cooking and fill your freezer with the next month's worth of food. Th

Is it generally better to cut chicken breast with or against the grain?

I realize it may depend on what you're doing, but as a general rule, which is preferred and why?

How do I ripen unripe oranges and grapefruits?

Sometimes when I buy oranges or grapefruits I find out that they are rather unripe when I get them home. How do I ripen them?

How to dry oregano?

I have oregano in my garden. But I only use it fresh. How should I properly dry the oregano so I can get something similar to oregano found in the stores?

When, if ever, are dried herbs preferable to fresh herbs?

Sometimes I see a recipe call for dried herbs. If I have access to fresh herbs, should I go for fresh herbs instead? Is there any benefit in using dried herbs w

Is there an alternative to condensed milk?

In Denmark we don't have condensed milk in our regular stores and I've actually only seen it in an UK-import store a few years ago. Is there an alternative to i

Cutting boards: What are some general tips on purchasing and using a cutting board?

I have heard various debates on the merits of wood versus synthetic cutting boards, and their affect on food safety, knife edges, and ease of cleaning and stora

What knives are "required" for a serious home kitchen?

I consider myself a serious home cook. What knives are essential?

How to stop sweet/sugary dressings from ruining a baking dish?

Through trial and error I've discovered that squeezing a fresh lime over roast parsnips (prior to roasting) make the end product absoutely sublime. The problem

Proper ratio of Water to Rice

When making rice, what is the proper ratio of water that I should use?

Which is a typically American way of seasoning spaghetti and other pasta?

When I visit the States I see a lot of pasta and spaghetti in the supermarkets. I wonder which is the typical seasoning (sauce or similar) used by Americans whe

Differences/Similarities between cinnamon and nutmeg

I read a while ago that nutmeg and cinnamon are really similar and you can easily substitute one for the other. Yet many recipes call for both cinnamon and nutm

How to clean mushrooms?

Some people say cleaning with water removes the taste from mushrooms. But if I don't use water the mushrooms will carry a lot of dust. Do you have any techni

Should I purchase and use a grease or oil splash screen?

I use a sauce pan often for grilling chicken or frying bacon, and a lot of grease tends to splash out. There are fine mesh screens available with a handle desig

Pepper spice varieties

How many varieties of edible pepper spice there are? I know white, black, green and pink pepper, but I'm sure that around the world there are many more varietie

How can I make cheap, smooth homemade Alfredo sauce?

I've tried making Alfredo sauce several times based on a few online recipes. It generally comes out pretty tasty, but also with one flaw: the sauce is grainy o

Best meat replacements for a vegetarian/vegan?

Let's compile a list of vegetarian/vegan meat replacements. Generic replacements: Seitan Tofu Tempeh Quorn Quorn Vegan Alternatives Paneer TVP Commercial fake