What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good?

What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good? - Assorted Cookies

What dough would you recommend for when you need to wrap up a lemon pie fairly quickly?

Best Answer

Well... Pie dough? Flour, fat, salt and water. I recommend lard for flavor and texture.

Alternately, a graham cracker crust can be had by putting the crackers into a plastic bag and rolling with a heavy rolling pin until fine crumbs. Then mix in butter, press into a pan, and bake until fragrant.

Pictures about "What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good?"

What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good? - Pastries on Wooden Tray
What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good? - Appetizing composition of freshly baked sweet pie served on black plate with red marinated pear and decorated with sugar powder
What's the easiest dough for a Lemon Pie that still tastes good? - Pizza on Brown Wooden Table

What is lemon pie filling made of?

A lemon pie filling is the base for a lemon meringue pie. You make it with egg yolks, sugar, lemon juice, and zest, and fortify it with cornstarch so the filling holds its shape when you cut the pie.

Why does my lemon pie crust get soggy?

Pie crust gets light, flaky and crisp when the heat of the oven melts the little nubs of fat inside the crust quickly and so that they form steam that puffs the crust up. You want that process to happen quickly so that the crust sets before the filling has much of a chance to seep in and make things soggy.

How do you keep the crust from getting soggy in a lemon meringue pie?

Refrigeration makes meringue weep more quickly, so let the pie stand at room temperature in a draft-free spot before serving it. After a few hours, however, it will need to be refrigerated. ''If the meringue is cooked before being added to the pie, it will be more stable and less likely to weep.

Is lemon meringue pie better the next day?

The assembled Lemon Meringue Pie will keep a few days in the fridge, but the meringue and/or the lemon filling will begin to weep. It is best eaten the day it is assembled. If perfection isn't necessary (ie: if not making to share) the pie will still be delicious \u2013 just not ideal.

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Images: JÉSHOOTS, Pixabay, Tim Douglas, William Mattey