My white device has turned yellow

My white device has turned yellow - Fiber optic switch with bright connectors in studio

Here is my white device, which has turned yellow on one side while cooking an over done cheese burger:

device color turned yellow

Does anybody know whether it is possible to turn it back to the white color?

Best Answer

Probably not, plus it will get worse over time.

I've an old George Foreman with similar marking.
Neither oxygen nor chlorine bleach works - plus it smells.
The only thing that very slightly works is a good hard scrub with something quite aggressive, oven cleaner or barman's friend etc, which will eventually take all the paint off.

You'll just have to live with it.

Pictures about "My white device has turned yellow"

My white device has turned yellow - Optical switch connector with similar cables in building
My white device has turned yellow - Fiber optical device with similar bright connectors with blue cables made of rubber with plastic pigtails on edges
My white device has turned yellow - From below of fiber optic equipment with similar colorful rubber cables and round sockets

Quick Answer about "My white device has turned yellow"

For severe yellowing, apply a cream peroxide to appliances and put them in direct sunlight for 3 to 4 hours to reverse the discoloration.

Why do white electronics turn yellow?

This yellowing happens thanks to a flame retardant called bromine in those old ABS plastics. When exposed to UV light, those bromine molecules can destabilize and leech through to the surface, causing the plastic to turn yellow (or even brown if left long enough).

Do white electronics turn yellow?

White plastic turns yellow over time due to a chemical reaction that occurs when it is exposed to light, oils, etc. There are a couple of different ways to get rid of this discoloration, ranging from easy to more difficult.

Why does my white phone case turn yellow?

Why Do Phone Cases Turn Yellow? Clear phone cases are normally made from silicone\u2014a polymer that's popular for its inexpensive and flexible properties. Unfortunately, these polymers turn yellow as they age. This natural process is accelerated when they are exposed to excessive amounts of chemicals, light and heat.

How to fix yellowed plastics on old computers!

More answers regarding my white device has turned yellow

Answer 2

Try Magic Eraser Sponges, available at most stores that sell cleaning supplies. They really ARE magic for things like this very often! Worth the effort.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Brett Sayles, Brett Sayles, Brett Sayles, Brett Sayles