Is my soymilk curdled?

Is my soymilk curdled? - Purple Abstract Painting

I made some soymilk yesterday using the recipe specified below-

[How to Make Soy Milk, from Scratch (豆浆)(



Soybeans, 200g Water, 2.4L Sugar, to taste (we used 3 tbsp) Process:

Pick out any bad soybeans, rinse. Put your water ~2 inches above your soybeans, soak overnight. Blend on high for ~4 minutes. We used the smoothie setting on our blender. Transfer to a wok or stockpot. Medium high flame. Stir and get the soymilk up to 100C. Boil at 100C for 15 minutes, removing the foam. Taste, make sure it's not bitter. Strain through a tofu or cheesecloth. Twist and squeeze out what's left, ~3-5 minutes. Get as much as you can! Season with sugar, to taste. We used ~3 tbsp.

It has been one day and the upper layer is bubbly. It does not smell sour but there is the fragrance of raw soaked soybeans. The milk has become thick and there are smooth chunks of semi solid material, not rough and sharp like there are in usual curdled soymilk.

Best Answer

It has oxidized and turned, unfortunately... When making Tofu, you almost instantly "pasteurise" the soy juice into milk almost as soon as it has been blended by bringing it to a boil, this prevents the soy juice from "turning"... Unfortunately, this also starts (partially) the process of curdling the soy milk into curds for tofu.

You will find that long life soy milk has very little fridge life after it has been opened, this is the bad side of consuming high protein "juices" such as soy, and nut milk, and would be a constant enemy if you want to make your own soy juice/milk.

Pictures about "Is my soymilk curdled?"

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Is my soymilk curdled? - Woman in Purple Shirt Covering Her Face With Her Hand
Is my soymilk curdled? - Inscription My body my rules against gray background

Is it OK to eat curdled soy milk?

Again, drinking spoiled soy milk is very similar to drinking spoiled cow's milk. You are susceptible to experiencing symptoms similar to food poisoning, such as nausea, an upset stomach, and even vomiting.

Why is my soy milk curdled?

There is a large pH difference between plant-based milks \u2013 soy ranges around seven to eight \u2013 and coffee, which differs from shot to shot and bean to bean usually is about 4.5. The proteins in soy milk are sensitive to the lower pH of the coffee shot which is why the proteins can 'denature' and look curdled.

Why did my soy milk curdle in the fridge?

As for why it spoiled, it was probably just open for too long. Even in the fridge, soy milk has a life of about 4-6 days once opened. The seal may have been damaged somehow even before you actually opened it, allowing air into the carton to cause the spoilage.

Is soy milk supposed to separate?

Since soy milk has a different molecular structure than cow's milk, it tends to separate a lot easier when exposed to heat and tannins.

Why Soy Milk Curdles And other Mysteries Solved | #OWNSHOW | Oprah Online

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Nick Collins, Olha Ruskykh, RODNAE Productions, Laker