How can I store Brie for a long period?

How can I store Brie for a long period? - Trendy hoodies and fridge with refreshing drinks in shop

There's a semi-local creamery that makes the loveliest Brie I've ever had. It's priced quite reasonably but the shipping costs more than the cheese itself, so it's a little impractical. I bought three rounds a while ago, but by the time I made it through the first two, the third had gone mouldy. Is there a way to store Brie over an extended period of time? I'd love to get a half-dozen rounds and portion them out over time.

Best Answer

IMO, It it not the best situation.

Freeze them up.

It will not be as good as the unfrozen cheese.

Cut them in manageable portions, wrap them up in plastic film and put in freezer bag, freeze as quickly as possible.

For the cheese you want to keep in the fridge, I suggest finding cheese wrapper and wrap the cheese in it while keeping them in the fridge (you can also use wax paper)

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Quick Answer about "How can I store Brie for a long period?"

Refrigerating Brie When stored properly, this cheese can last up to two months in the refrigerator. However, wrap it in parchment paper or wax paper after opening the cheese. Avoid storing it in plastic wrap since whole cheeses need to breathe.

How do you make Brie last longer?

To maximize the shelf life of a wedge of Brie cheese after opening, wrap the original packaging tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil; for even better results, wrap the cheese first in wax or parchment paper and then cover with plastic wrap before refrigerating.

How long does Brie stay good in the refrigerator?

Properly stored, a wedge of Brie cheese will last about 1 to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. If a wedge of Brie cheese has mold on it, is it still safe to eat? If mold that was not a normal part of the manufacturing process appears on the Brie cheese, discard it entirely.

Can I freeze Brie cheese?

A previously lush and decadent cheese will be transformed into a dry, unappetizing version. That means famous French soft cheeses, such as Brie and Camembert, should stay out of the freezer. Fresh cheese also has very high moisture content, and a delicate texture, making it a poor candidate for freezing.

How long is sealed Brie good for?

Since Brie falls in the soft cheese category, the shelf life of Brie is very short. Whether opened or unopened, Brie cheese usually lasts for about two weeks depending upon its storage conditions.

Serving and Storing Brie Types

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Images: Erik Mclean, junjie xu, Nicole Berro, cottonbro