Can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew?

Can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew? - Full Frame Shot of Green Peas

I am making a pressure cooker stew and have frozen butter beans that I would like to add. Since I generally use dried beans, my typical process would be to soak the beans overnight, cook them separately and then add them to the stew at the end.

With the fresh beans it seems reasonable to just add the frozen beans directly to the stew after cooking the stew, then pressure cook the whole thing together for 10 minutes.

Having never cooked frozen beans before:

  1. Do fresh beans absorb a significant amount of water during cooking? If I add 1 lb of frozen beans, how much extra water should I add?
  2. I pressure cook the stew for ~45 minutes. If I added the beans at the beginning would they be mush by the end?

Best Answer

It worked phenomenally!

I quick-released my stew ~5 minutes earlier than usual, added the frozen beans (no extra water needed- the beans were just covered by the liquid) pressure cooked on high for 7 minutes then allowed to release naturally.

The beans were buttery but totally intact. Would recommend.

Pictures about "Can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew?"

Can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew? - Five Assorted Vegetables on White Surface
Can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew? - Brown Coffee Beans
Can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew? - White Ceramic Mug Full Of Coffee Beans

Do you need to soak frozen beans?

With the exception of kidney beans (which you must soak) and chickpeas (which just take forever if you don't), it's totally up to you. Soaking the beans cuts down the cooking time a bit, so do it if you can plan ahead enough, but if you're home anyway might as well just cook 'em.

How do I cook frozen pinto beans?

To use, just add frozen beans directly to recipes like chili or beans and rice. They'll thaw right in the pot or pan. For recipes where you need to start with thawed beans, pull them out the night before and let them thaw in the fridge, or place the sealed bag in a large bowl of warm water to quick-thaw.

How do you cook frozen navy beans?

Bring the pot to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a simmer. Simmer and season. Simmer your navy beans for between 45 and 90 minutes, checking every 15 minutes or so until they're at your desired tenderness. (Pre-soaked beans will cook faster than dry beans.)

How do you cook dried beans without them falling apart?

Place beans in a large stock pot and cover with fresh, cold water. Place over medium heat; keep cooking water at a gentle simmer to prevent split skins. Since beans expand as they cook, add warm water periodically during the cooking process to keep the beans covered.

Fresh or frozen food? Using SCIENCE to prove which is best with surprising results! - BBC

More answers regarding can fresh (frozen) beans be added directly to stew?

Answer 2

I see instructions for pressure cooked frozen butter beans, which call for 4 minutes at high pressure, followed by about 10 minutes of natural pressure release. So, I would certainly add them at the end. Fresh beans (or frozen) don't absorb a lot of liquid, and you can certainly add more liquid to thin afterward.

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Images: Pixabay, mali maeder, Polina Tankilevitch, Polina Tankilevitch